FAMILY GAMPING We rent trailers, tents, stoves, sleeping bagl' Anyihing that You neerd. We have a tist of all public and privale campsites. I,IAKE YOI,,!R RESERVATION EARLY. STOP IN OR. CALL 385.323? ED'S RENTAL, l[tlG. 904 Front South on 3l McHenry, lllinois _wa- ONE MEX,TS HIS DESTINY IN THE ROAD HE TAKES T$ AVOID IT T{EW ffiCIDERI{ EQUIPilETT TRUCKS RADIO DISPATCHED Comdd tLfit nodacdit ild Crntfitr Edord tlcHenry Disposal Seruice 340A W. Third Avcnr'c wll'llt I DwllE3 tcl{onry EV. 5 2zll I