SEffU-MONTHLY PICTOBIA[.NIWStITTIB JIILI.51, 1965 YOLWE l0 (ents Per Copy ?, $IlrBB 24 FAIN AilD ITTPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COfiT/IAUNITIES Chicago's greatest disastersthe sinkidg of the lake steamer Eastland in the, Chicago river that tells the storY oI one The yeliowed, crumbling file of with the loss oT 812 lives on Julyt:+, 1915-have been found in.a subbasernent vault of the County building. Dr. Andrew J. Toman, coroner, discovered the tra;rscriPt of the evidence heard tiY the corof,er's jurY i:: the Eastland case. The Eastland had beeh etiartered by employes of the lVestern Eleetric eompany to take them on an exeursion to Michigan City, Ind" The shiP turned on its side in 20 feet of water as the. pAsseflgers strear4ed aboard.