HEAR YE!! colrE TO LOUISE'S SI{ACK SHOP 1335 N. Riversido For Tasty Hondma& SouPs Pies Sendsiclrs PHOilE 385AaSr For Take{ut Orders Clcd Sondry ud MordaY Pioturod abovs on thc lcft, 8111 Selhcld, and on the rlght, 8111 Brcnaan, both of t}:c Y111ag6 of UoCullon Lake, who wcra daolarad rlnacre tn tba reoont MoEeary County Eoublcs Borllng fouraam.cat. Thoy COI}I$TY EOEBIffi BffiLlNG CIEIIIPS CANM8ffiS frffiseqffi"s $fls rcrc both ewardad trophlca and Eoacy prlzca for thclr aohtcvcaante. Dean Bugglcc, lfiarcngo, Coqnxlsudcr COU]'ITY I.EGION ff'FIOERS I}IS?AI.tr.& TffilLEY ffiYffiffiS PNCCC*,IPTIOilS EAH"FSfuLY FTL"LES AoL" &t fiondor Lakc Poet, Ju]y Z5thn Also losta].Ied ucro Earold ?yo*.ta),s Sro Yleo fudr*6 Srtle Knary, #ary, .Iro Ytoe Cmdrn an& "&ndy &ndorsoxt, ffioodntook" Sgt. rat tnstal]ed as of the ltoEonry Co' Counoll, B0Lffiffiffi.'s DRUG SYOfiffi l&B ffi" &w Seswat gW S.4ffi at Armt " Geo, n, lusten & Son Funeral ftome 3519 W. Elm Ambulamce Sireef "Across from the Bank" Phone EU 5-2400 EU 5-2400 RESCUE BREATHIT{G EQUIPMENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched