UWatch fmr t$ee Ym.mmffiffiwdwwm , Back to Fffi SOIE EIffiE PTC1ERE OIIESSIIfr}? I?E}DY lhose t-so ysu;rg la'*tae &rs vsry actlv* ihuuu iay* i:r com:nu:rity aff,atrs, elubs etcr OnL f e n'f,s e rcsi"dent of; Cry'stal Lakc v:111e the sther att1l rosldee ln L{cEenry. In casa You necd a hiat, tholr f athor aan be f o'-rrrd, most any day, worklrg in his gardan" Smffixmwffi $ALE ffit ${YE',S Starting Arngust 15th WE GIVE PLAID STAMPS Eam fi$ Hig& e$ e% O'lr Savlngs DQoCt3 htrd ffioHemry State Bamk mGHEtllY, lLLlllON3 NOW FREE PR.ESCR.IPTION DELIVER.Y lN THE iAcHENRY AREA McHenry's Friendliest Drug Store towlnl t&n l$l NYE DRUGS l32lt N. Rivtrri& Imrtor el t.D.lC. Drivr fcHcnry, lllinoir PHONE ?8*'5