ldoCULL0M r'ArE FOLICE CFFICER RE-INS?.ATSI Po1ioc Chiof John Sohloffnor, ltftcd th; Eusponslon of Offlocr Janos Argy of the looal Pollae }opartrncnt, on Oetobcr 16, Offioor Argy was vlndloated ln oourt, of ohargas fllod agalnst hlm two monthe 1965. I Sohloffnor and PoIioo Corrmittco Chalrman Arthur Nclson. ,TfHO .! of thc vtllagc boar.d wcrc ln adoptlng tho rcoommondations for rc-lnstatcmcnt put forth by Chlcf unanlmous provious. Thc ?rustccs t !*' WILI"IAII MISS , bo rn at I I r2 I A.!d. 4, 1963 at Sncrtran Hospltal, ' Elgin. Andrew weighcc in et 6 Ib. I5 oz. and was 2 @t' long. Ho is thc son of Ur' & llrs. Edward A. Maes, Lako Shorc Drlvc, MoCullom Lakc. Mr. & Mrs. Iloraaan E. Ma8 s are thc proud ANDRE'Ii Ootobor CONGRATULATIO\IS ro MRS. L{ATE STUHI,FEIM, I|IILL CESERVE U8R ?? BIRTIIDAY ON OCTOBER HAPPY BIRTEDAY 'f{ISl{ES cO AISO T0 URS, THEITESA SCHULTZ, MoCULLOI I-AKE WHO 'riIIJ, CELEBRA?E EER NATAJ, DAY 0CTOBER 23rd. 23rd. grandparentc. Andrcw has onc months old. oldcr brothcr, Mark, LT worldrs first skysorapor was bullt in [iajor Willlam Jonny got tho ldca of using a skcloton of boams to hold up thc walls of bulldlngs. Up to thon, tho hoight of buildlngs had bocn limltod bcoausc thc hlghcr thc bulldlng, thc thlokcr thc wal}s had to bo, to support lt. Tho Chloago, whon for expert I ; I ': We starch shirts ... ,.^il} j,:,, shirf loundry Servrce a to order-light, medium or heavy or none at all. We give them that :i::j, :j :*:::+ :3rri: .t; ::tl:. j: ii : slick professional finish. Broken or missing buttons .:i::::rrr :: i ,lii'r :: ::i :::: replaced, of course! Call on us today. a 1r:: : BM Open Daily: 8 a.m. to 6 fR'f;3iJr,?RL 385-7656 W. EIm St. McHenry AT NATIONAL TEA PARKING LOT p.m. p.m.-Thun'*" FrLEves to I