CIRcLI ?4-HOUR Except Sundays, Closed ORILL af I p.m. Route I20, I Block Easl of Bridge <. \.( -b l WHERE GOOD FELLOWS MEET SPECIAL PLATE LUNCHES AND HOT BEEF SANDWICHES SERVED DA!LY EGGS to cstabllsh a oommunlty Junior oollogo dlstriot and a maxtmum tax ratc w111 bc hcld Dcocmbcr 14. Tha 0tt1zcns Cormlttoc has rcoomnondod that a separate oampus oosting about 1.95 nllllon bc sstabLlshcd to onablo tho collogc adminlstrators to operato undor suitablo conditions' Sinoc tho lovlod rata of 5 oents por 100 dollars assesscd proporty valuo wi}l not provlde thls muoh aoncy, a eeparato bond lssuo would have to bc approvad by the tax paycrs. Thasa bonds would than ba pald off ovcr a 13 year parlod by tho bulldlng lcvy of 5 oents. Thc Cormittae has visltod junior oollagos la IlL1nols and is aonvinood that a_ scparatc oampus, frcc from oonfllot wlth" high sohool sohcdulos, will providc a high oalibor Junlor oollega for the oounty at thc lcast possibla o06tr Any groups wishlng to hoar thc McHenry Tho rofcrcadrrn COILEGE BOARD T,TMIT@ BT I,AW AT ALL HOURS Jones Sausage, Ham and Bacon Exclusively County Comunlty Collego Proposal should oontact Stuart B. Errghcs, 26 N. Garoline, Crystal Lako, 459-5994. Subscribe Now Thank God You Are Living ln the t$m$8ed States ATTENTION HOME OWNERS Now is the time to have your gravel driveway repaired, before ihe freezing wealher arrives ihat you do not have any unnecessary trouble in the spring of lhe year. Due so 1 to the posiing of roads in the spring, there are many roads that heavy trucks are not allowed to iravel, ihaf is why we suggest you repair your driveways now. Gall now for free estimate at McHenry 385-4920 McHenry Sand & Gravel Go,, lnc. 920 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS