EicilJ w. *. t l "*el i* {I ;ffi IEtr # t a .:; , ! 3 r iS ?i{AT 0F STUA-F.? B" ii"GHES, ibblioity Chairnan for thc Mci{cnry County Jr. CoIIego, tuest spoakor at the iJovombor 4th mcetir of the Kiwanls 01ub of tLro ,Yonder Laka Arca. CEii?Ek PitOTO SHffiS PAUL 88ffiG, INS?I?U?IONA5, REBESENTATIIB ff Ti{E KI+IAi.iIS CLB aoccpiing the Boy Soout Troop oherter frsn EEI: PItrLLIPS, FIEI-D C(}'iLiISSi0lrtrt at :he l.io;. Ilth r,rooting. PHOTC ON LEFT iS Tde? CF JAIiES I{IHZIE, CO'S{ANDER S' AIiE!'.iCili fts,Icii FGI p1159, ;TO:,&8I.. T.&iE rkho spokc tc ther Kiwanlans on l{cv. l}t}i, of tire alns a::c pri.nc iplcs of thc Anorioan Logion. PH0T0 Ol{ L;FT q:, Photo on laft shows John {-clghty, }iusloal Director aad Ann Yarcse, Li.rootor & Procucar of "?l:e fiizard of Oz'r prompting Connlo Fr+und, wlio portrays tt'Dorot]:y" in thc produat,lon whlah wl11 be presentod at 2:50 P.I6. on tho aftornoons of Nov' 23rd and 21th, Thc play will bo givon rn tho auiitoriun of McHonry High School Rrii is spor:screa by the i,{ci{enry Gir} Il^r'r+c U V i Ue a SAPPER CLUB ACTS CC!,{I$G TO ilC EE}IRY i I sirglrg and nonologuo, and Honny Yourgman, atar of radio, tclcvision, sorocn and armarous supp3r elubs throughout tho Oountry. th* thrca aots wore obtaincd thru thc cfforts of Anthony \larcsc, Goneral Chairmaa of thc ovcnt. Tiokcte arc availablc from any of tho 17 tornship eorm.ltteomcn, at tho MoHonry Thcatcr or the hicllonry Country C1ub. Ths date - Hovsmbor 30th. Comlttac orgaaizaticn wl11 hold tholr Eaood dinnor" da*ce and ontortalnmont affalr, Satu:day, $ov. SOth at thc MoEenry Country Club. Dinnor will start at 7 P.3i., the antortainncnt at B:I5. Tha shor will aoasiet of Raya and Roman, a speotacular acro-adagio aot; {,inda Herrlll, whosc aot !s interpretivo with The HoEcnry ?owLshlp Ropublican Contral