PHCTORIA[.N[}ySIBTTIR MJfi.CB l0 (ents Por Copr 11, 1964 - VoLUldE B, NUffiER. 14 ouR cHARAcTERs anE :. rxE REsULT oF ouR coNDUcT rriri.dl: i,t . ;; . .1;:. . ; .:.. . ."|)t<!..i i,, /.: .. Pt,;. '":. J- ffi Ltr '{{ . I ' , '"nF - :,d* - "ffir "i -":' .:{.*:& TIIE'iIAr.T0l,rIAN H,1?Et AID Ai;LE(, Rroto takan abou.t 1910' Thc lletal was eltuatrd on thr west ehorc of Fox Leker ani fcatrrred homo oooking" sarved family atyko Ratas : s2.00 par day or $10.00 p*r woek lncludhg boats" J*n6 Lund was thc proprtstor. Photo oourtesy of Ecraor iJagnr - rGproduced by Rudy Bryant. FETER fu{. "J;3$TfiI! Elm & SON Mel"{enry, illinois TUNERAL HOME Streci 385'0063 OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulance .:t?.., ,,.... .?.:a::. r" .:':, i ' *:, HANDY RESUSGITATOR I