YOUR wffi$tr,i\^/ILLIAM J. i9i GOVERNOR is a vole Ior ECONO[[,IY, INTEGRITY, EXPERIENCE ffi fo, " lolo slash in serti state payroll excegt merrtel health and education I for " favoiaUe tar structur to attract rer indusilry, bring new iobs to lllirxlis I to -rt*t the excessiye tar ht]dcn qr fllnrct: end home wners EI to Oest oy the influcne ot chi;ego's Ucst Silc Bbc in lllinois gouemment 8a training opporfunitics *.slr3lrcclretirg rttirt BCil3 ty prormfg rl lot Marks trre SG(OTT tor Govemot ISZ L^J vorE REPuBucAil, APRIL t4Tt{ Work lor betlcr govcrnmail-torh lor Bil Soeil-&ecL