NE'YTEMBER, THE TURII.E HAS TO STICK HIS NECK OUT TO GET ANYWHERE BASKETBALL AWA}IDS BIT{QIIE? : Cmmalty xas Eaddened by the death of oie of ltts Ilfsloag residenta Iaster Baooa. l{r. Baoon dled Uaroh 15, ta Dorncy Teterans Eospltal, rhere he had been a patleat for flfteea months. s5mpathy to hla fmtly and re havo , Our HoEenry I,&STEA. B.A0OT DIESr lost a good frleud. t Ray's Barber Shop 116 Bbct Ed of, Lirrr oa Sourtr Sido of Rr. I2O IAY PLfrClllSXt, Propricror &ilcf, Crrr Crrt -- Flet Topo - Ten basketball playors fron the North Suburban kague roro anong those honored at an lxards Bauquet on Eednesday, .Aprtl 8, oo-sponeored by the Chloage Trlbune and the CooapCola Bottling Co., of'Chloago. It was held at ths GulldhalI of the lub,assador West Eotol ln Chloago. The 213 athelotea honored rero nam6d by the Trtbure Prcp Basketball AII-Stars for the 1965-B* 3688otro Individual award prosentatioos rere made to oaoh of the play'ors' They r"eoeived a Certlfloata of Merit in BasketbalI, presanted by Htlfrld Smith, Sports Eclltor. George Cobb, hestdeat of thc bottltng oompanlr' presented eaoh athLete rlth a plaque. loronl4 the 10 ath- t Itc Qr.fU of Otr Wc* ts East llonder Lake Road, Ylonder Lake, who is a Sonlor la the HoEonry l{igh Sqhool' ' Congratulatlono Frsd. TIBRffiIS B.BSEARCE: Thc reoent Cyetio Flbrosls Fund Drive tn the Chlorge area netted au all-tlme hlgh of neirly *60,000, as reported by Uri. Donald Tfllltms, preoident of the Chloa6o Chapter. Ir UoEenry County trlrs. Iawrenoe Fr:]rrer, 740I Center Dr., lfoader Lako oolleoted a total of CYSTIC letes honored, xas Fred Kusoh, 4419 or Bcat f;durtiring : -! IilDERSOI{ TREE SEf,UIGE TREE SURGER,Y PLANTING R,EMOVAL _ FIREPLACE WOOD SPRAYING Phonc Woo&rock al&2i98; fcHonry 30t2526 ED REID ORVIS EOAD 37tl W. Meplc Avcnrr ilcHcnry, lllinoir lLrz29.3L. SEPTIC SYSTEMS , Sewer Rodding Root Cutting Equipmenl f,arI A. Kooh, oountY ohaiman of the Peroy for Goverraor Republloan oomlt,tee, has llated tuo coffeoklatohes hel.d thtg reek and several others aIready soheduled. ior the next reeksL Ee auggested ttrat any others lnterested iu ho&dlng suoh a meeting gbouLd oontaot the Perqr headquarters on lttc newly aoslgnod nurnber, 558-2662. Mrs. Dlanaa Guyer, of the etate Peroy for Governor staff epoke to a group by telephone at the hono of ldiss Vlrginla , CEIRIES PERCY CIMPAIG$I SEWERS II'ISTALLED PHONE EV 5.I95G ELIUER GLOSSON iAOf w. John Street McHenry, lllinois on Wednesday nlght. Woodstock on the following night, Mrs. Guyer spoke tn person at the home of,Mrs. Ed Krlegel ia the Cooaey Helghts subdlvi.slon of MoHenry. An added featr:.:e of this meetlng was a tel.ephone lnterviev wlth Chuok Peroya hlmself. Coone ln