GllTSI 7/r* lll G0rsr sr0Rrs 8q l*" fu4 . . Seazae ?Oc 8q {*" y'eao Open Sundays 1327 l{o. Riverside Drive therc homsts ead vislting rith thon, oa rhat thcy thlnk le bost for tha rieldcaoe of the Preoinot, aot for mc or Ju6t only thocc that votc, but for very one o@,oaltod. lll I asL 1g for ,eaoh reglsterod votcr to ooe out IfRIL j14 and to votc, Ib t}k for aad voto a Rcpublloau ballot, ?o Votc for Ir. Charlee E. Peroy for the Rcpnblloan omCldate for Govcrror, m,d last but aot to 1 p.m. tcHenlg, lllinois lcaat at the very botton of the ballot, I for ffilBE&T K, EECET for Ra_ pt<oan Cmnlt*reman" f m not askiag what bclng cleet*d R*publlcan Cqsilttee_ m&G GBrt do f*r aa, 8IIT uhat oan I do fqrr ths raatdsnca ef *rsalnot IZ and thr bulfdlag of * stro::ger Republloan Fo!I.- LlHay I plaasc tave youi votse tprtl for Eaprrblloan Coinittoanan nns.!* ae .tDy. NEU ilIODENil EQUIPilIETIT TRUCKS RADIO DISPATCHED Rodlcrffel Hr* Ceqltdy Eadord lenry Disposal Seruice rrll-llr rnrE3 ilcHoory EV. 5 t2lll