TI{E BEGINNI}IG OF R0u'rB B]" n SOUfiI OF JOHN S18.ffi?. HCEENRT .f;EOUT 1938" Pii0T$: BY ROBERT THOiIPSON" .nrdy Uiorlmrld a .hmlor .at l[oErnry Eigb Sohool, pos.s rlth rihitr ?rccse palntril by Xolly Blokford. A 1965 patrore puroheac nor h+ngl,qg 1rl tbr arnlor olass of thc UoEanqr f,lgh $ohoo}" Editorial Paragraphs Tharo ls nothing elther good or bad but thiaklng nakcs lt co. Oac of thc oloecst clootlons of tha rcoont primary cleotlon took plaoo iu Prrolaot f,LZ of t[oEcnry Corrrty. Thr. rlaotton was bctrcon J. R. Lovesquc and tcoman Hr. Eeoht ru, for offi.ocr whioh of polltloal rlgnlfloanoc" oclvod 113 votoe. !trr. hvagqur hae brcn prcolnot ommittecstan aad cormty ohatmaa for thc paet 2 ycarr. Thle uas thc finst tinc that nay bc crt K. Eeoht, for republioao oornitof that prcolnot. Lovcsquc raocivcd 12I votcs end iTllbcrt Hcoht rc-