hlvc nadi aa oxaot rcpllor "luxlllary, of thc flag rocn %y thc darretl carly ltghtq as lt flcrr ovor Fort MsEcnry ln 1814. ?hie flag ras thc tntplratlon la thc rrltlag of our l{atlona.L .Anthan o Tlrc flag rhloh moasurcs 50 by 42 foct aad has 15 atare and 15 stripro rill bo displayod at thc liot York Eorldtr Frlr, tir tho Mq:y1and Pavlltoa. Crultcr Tours Ah.Sf$rI TleL.s brtuc'Ur-Scf Plrancd vrcrtlons H"d;iG Rurvrtkrnr rnd Tict<olr rl No lrlrr Chrrgo Yr Adtodzed Trrvcl A3ent EETTY LINGENITEI-TEIT PRESHS?II\.IG FI,.AG MAYOR }ONAL[, DO}ilfiTY: FI,AG TRESE!{TED TO UCHH{RY TO ) WOf,LD WIDE SERVICE CHAIN&LAXES TN.AVEL SERVICE McHcnrY .. t 17 W' M'h D* ll 5dl tr- Frldtv io t' Srturdey tll 5 p'n' la5-525f Prcsldcnt of thc lncrioan Lrgloa Aux-, lIiary, Unlt 491, Bctty Llngrnfc1ter, has presontcd Mayor Donald Dohorty rith a now fltg, rhioh r11I bc flylng ovrr MoHanry Clty EaII. Elcanor Rrld, lnsrioanim Chalrran, rcportcd that thr mcnbar: of thr Ha4rland Dcpartmcnt of thc *tncrloan Lcgion CIry EALLT : Alt Gbneral Office Supplio LEADING BR.ANDS ,YPEWR.ITERS AI{D ADDING RENTEb 'TAACHINES KRAUSE NEWS AGENGV 332I W. Elm Street Phone 385-015