SEffII-MONTHTY PICTORIA[-NEWStITTNR ulY 6,-1964 C0VER PICTURE STORY: l0 (ents Per Copy VotUllB I, I{U}rBm I8 FAIR AND IMPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COMAAUNITIES frc ploturc rlrioh appcars oa thc oovcr this ucck is that of l[rs. Donald P. Dohrrty, rifc of lfioEcnryts nayor, and thcir B childrra, 6 girle .rrd 2 boys. Urs. Dohcrty 1r thc formcr Rorallc WIIlimg. Thc ploturc lcft to rlght baok ror, Golostc,, C1mthla, Jay, arrd Co1lccn. Front ror, CaroISm, Coaotanoc and Joeaph, rlth thoir mothr Roealio Doharty. Thorc UCEtsTI(I SAYIHGS .AI{D Ij.A]{; Rogrr Colllne, 'cxeoutivc vioc prcsldcnt and maaaging offtocr, said that they arr aor sonrlng mora Sivore aad homo gg3cr3 thaA cvrr bcforc. Th. fTr0oo,OoO flgurc that wlll bo rraohrd on Uay 7th, is roorc than $}rOo0t OOO ovor last Yaar on thie datc. trhcn thc olght ycar old firrr first gtartcd, thcy rcrc looatcd on thc rost sldc of UoEoary, llx ycars ago thay novrd to thclr ncw looation rhloh is at 561I ltcgt EIn $trcat. ldany of the rnployaos hAiib bica VLth thc Savlgge and Ipen for flvc yaars or .!: L: br two imPortant daYs to bc oclcbratcd thls montb, by tbr McIIcnry Savinga and lpen Assn. Srvcn ycar6 rgo on llay ?th itrs dcp6sits bcotmc lnsurrd rill ttrO!|. through tha Fcdcral Savings and tpan InlErtncc Corporetion, and also on Uay 7th of this ycar thclr assats ril} oxcccd tT,OoorOOO in savings and mortgagcs. Cust@crs havc bcon oncouragod to savc by thrlr slogan rhioh ic *eavo for your tomorroiwta today.q In our acxt lssua our oovcr will foaturo r ploturc of thc MoEcnry Savlnga anc loaa Assoolatlon Buildlng. PETER 3E), W- Elm Slrccl M. JUSTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME McHenry, lllinois OX'TGEN EQUIPPED Ambulance 385-0063 HANDY RESUSCITATOR i