UNTESS THE LORD KEEPETH THE CITY, THE WATCHMAN WAKETH IN VAIN ANDERSON TREE SERVIGE REMOVAL TREE SURGERY _ PLANTING SPRAYING FIREPLACE WOOD 37lI Phone Woodstock 338-2598; McHenry 385-2575 ED REID ORVIS GOAD McHenry, lllinois W. Maple Avenue SEPTIG SYSTETIS Scwcr Rodding In Just eight short yoars, the Fair has groyun from a toddler enong art shorvs, to ons of, tho midwest's major oultural 'attraotiors. Soads and soores of paint- Maklng last nlnute preparations for the 8th Annual Cowrtry ,Irt Fatr were Mrg. Edward Frett, trlrs. Lee Gladstone and Mlss l{ary Kleln, ploture oa page S. ?he Falr wlll be held at the Mclienry Jr. iiigh Sohool, Frlday, Jr.ue Lg, from 2 ltrfi to 10 FM, and on Saturday aad Sunday, Juno 20th aud 21st, from noon to 10 p.U. COU}IIRY .AR? FAIR Root Cutling Equiprnenl SEWERS IilSTALLED PHONE 38'I9fl} lags and sculptures by MoHenry Countyr s top artists, e one-wonan show by the giftod soulptress-palater, Eazel E\lelI of Ringwooo, a preview of tomorrowrs greats, the ohildr6nts show...gXoiting auotioas and sales...Bild two aew features; the photography ELMER GLOSSOT 38O!, W. John Street McHenry, lllinois tlreater-in-tho-rorrnd presentatlon of 'lSend lile lb Florverstr, with Ann Vareso & Company on I'riday and Saturday evenlngs at 8:50. l.IOB?lriF,iT exhibit aad a briillant 7/u a* da7 l* koi. . . Small Appliances . Women's Wear . Gift Wear ' cS9cSgAP RIUERSIDE MFG. GO& RETAIL OUTLET 1402 Registre.iion rew.i,as ope:: for tro Iiorthern Il1:iaoi s Univorsi-uy oumtnor srtensicrn art coursos at GiilY Grovo iI.gh Schooi. Dr. Jooepir Ciettenberg, i-llU oxtension director, anrrorx;ced. today thrLt studsnts oould regisior a'b the first meeting of tire tvo couses boih of :vl:rcir i'*'i11 begin at ) &.rilr :.:i-od.resc1*y, June 10 aad continue th.r'ough I\.resiay, Jrme i0. iYillia:n i{aza-rd., riIU iestructor of art, rri11 teach .',rt Strueturo (;rt 11I) and Teaching ..'rt iu the ilenentary Schoo1 (i.rt 503). The Elo;aeriary school art cctrrse offers three seroostor hours of rmd.ergrad^uerte crodit, the other sourse tno, rllJl'Ifi S illiTV?-STlY - DEii,iLB Ray's Barber Shop IlA N. Riverside Drive BlGt E6r of Rinr on Sourh Sido of Rr t2O IAY PLt CtNSXt, propriaror &r0G[ Crrr Gr, Ftrr ToF McHENR.Y, ILLINOiS PHONE 385-5900 - -