NOTHING IS OPENED BY iviISTAKE AS OFTEN AT AS ONE'S MOUTH C].B;IT I\)R utiiitl, I.TG.'fS tsTi.,L tr"egar.1less of onels atti'r,rtd.e on tire 1!6[ d-vi1 rights biI1, i'i, nust be recognized that major credit for er^zgLnent of this historic legislatioa belcngs to our fllinoisl Senator Byerett l.i. Dirksaat iinority Leader of the Sena'r.e. I'ioro tirar one citizesl of the 12th CongressionaI Distriet hss beea surirised at the iead.ership role on thi.s Ereasuro assueed by this conservative veterp"t sll Capitol EiItr. arrd Remodeling Cement Work Hew Homes civil rights biI1. It is clear, too, that he les sought to b both ccnseieaatious arrd objective i:a his sork on this issue. Durizg reocnt rmr.ths, he ies received. Burlrerous threts of plitieal retributiou. .{lso, he bas sithstssA the tatnts of racl-sts and bi.gotsr as relI as the jibes of nrsaeror:s iategratisE z*3.ots uafamiliar rith political re.litigs. Senatsr Dirkscm has Hor;reil quietly trithout apgarealt effort to gain eay politieal advaatage or prestige floa tha Nick Tahmr GENERAL CONTRACTOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATE AND PI-ANNING Area Code 815;385-3165 43.l2 W. Lakewood Road McHenry, lllinois 50050 Patronizc &lr lfrertizcrs 5D\\tgBSl eJ*' tlf q FULL SER.VICE BANK! Do 4A Qun &drilt4g cn orrz 7a4e McHEI{RY STATE BANK McHenry, lllinois