VIlt{GE trEr,. John Boy1.e, of tho Tilj.age of tlc CulLom was appointed, to tho rillage board., by the trrresid,ent }b. J.R. Levesque a.nd the trustees. &ir, Boyle lri1l. serve out the renainlng tem left by Ibank parHrurst, who ie now deoeased, Iir . Boy1e is uelI quaLified. since he had prerriouoly served four yearE as Butldiag aad. Zoalag Comnissioner. IISTI,E }ESS PEANUT IT?LE SOUGitr' ?he ueEenrlr aad ? Lake .Area Kisa.:ris clubs w{.11 jointly hoId. a Litt}e Liss Pea.nut contest, AI1 entra.uts must be betseen the ages of 5 and I years and not yet 9 years oId by Sepb. 2F. The closing date for entries lviLL be July 1J.. ?he judging rriIl take pJ.ace at the Ameriean Legioa Eo:ne JuJ.y 1l1, at 8:JO F.3,{. lfo childre:r of liiwanis club members may enter, Judging will be based on poise and. lnrsonality. Tou rtay contact the ahair:rua of this contest YirgiJ. Fol1oek, 1]ie A. ELn St, HcEenry.r if 3rou have a child to enter. BOARD APPOI}TTS $ETT BUSTEE illcHEt{RY BAKERY ANd GATERING fuflrrc earo]tu, Sc,uxa, . IYEDDINGS I . LODGE PARTY . BANQUETS CLUBS T WHOLESALE RESTAURANT MEATS Open Sundayr 7 t-m. to 12 p.m. GALL 3850t90 f238 N. Grcen McHenry e$reribe Hor Fatronize 0ur Advertizers T{EW TIODERil EQUIPffiEI{T TRUCKS RADIO DISPATCHED ! t .,S*,S,,.".,....,t..:, .. ;.: :.,. : "t' :.,-1:t i:., I .;:. gwWek r::t "r"!'i;'i:r:: i: i: i:l Hre*esw*S tlcllenry Disposal Seruice 3/OA W. Third Avcntr UILL3IT DwlIES ItcHenry EV. 5 2221