iceep ,,vero As you loror"r, the Chteago US10 Ceater, 187 ltorth gLafk Straet, is hono amay fbon ho"ae ts hundreds of our serrrice perso::nel each soek. Among other thi.ags, we Srovide a refrdsbsent tabIe, stoaked, 'nitb cakes, cookies, sa,:adriches, ete. ?o these yoleg men a"nd. ryorlerl armay frm horae our refreshsrcnt table is a real treat eomgared. to tbe institutisaal food se:nred. by the, :irraed, Foreos. Stu-:raer is a:a espocially buqJ time at the USO Center, with weelcly atLadasco usuaLly arounii 5rOOO sersiceeerr a.nd. sulqflrr (We hosted. 5rO0O ]Eenaorial Eey reehend. aloao), &t b*o or three pi.ooLs of oake or a l:andful of aookies api.ece, Jrou carr aee that 1t takes a 1ot of bakery to ASSTSTAi,iCE EESDED }CIR USO E,B$TilB at Trr Ai.!l5l- Tlcl.rr crrr6 ltrtro{Jr-Srf ftrerd Yrralr tr*&-rr lrrrwrrloru .od Titt tr rt No ?rtrr Chrrgr Yf{!If D* a *I A-rttd Trrrcl Ajrr SERYICE W(,RLD WIDE SERYICE C}IAII}O{A.rES TRAVEL }lM.IL-t ,tt;. r.r., rdfu - t, srrrry rl J llr Your FrienJ {o* Li{" with the d.emalod.. 1{e sill be gratefnl for aqr help you ss.E Eive us. fhe Conter is otrrenr fYoa 9 to 9, every day, If you hanre arY firrit *r qu."tiois, ploase el1 lae at BA 63W." ?haxlc you in advar&ce. (Ers.) aila raiaga Corilial1Y, asking your he3.p. fbis is a brief aPpeal for soiaear roaders to make en extra bateh vhemeryer they bake, for the se::rrioe persorcel at the ESO Ce:rter? Fren thoug! we have scae pretty eletticateal regrrLar bakers (sme out of the state), slsrrlrer is upcaa usr atteadaace is cliiabing, and m uast keop up that table etoeked. Thatls xrhlr t ROBERT I. COT{WAY 3315 W. Elm St., McHenry, Ill. Phone 385-5285 State Fann Life Insrrance Company. Ilorne Office: Bloomhgton, nlinoi& WALI(ER'S CORNER STORE 4916 \,VEST ROUTE I2O 385-2s63 McHENRY, ILLINOIS v o" + s Hours 6 a.m. to 9 o.mDaily lncluding Sunday PHONE ORDERS WELCOME Og. ,r, tl- Pachge Liquors Cold Cuts Watoh for Grand Opening Free Giffs for All Groceries - EEUEUEEEEUEEEEEUEEUE 1',ffi@#ffi m -