Ticl:r:ts to the Ch-icagoi-anC iiusj-e Festi-vaI a:'e availablo at currency eschangcs i}:rougirout tho city and suburbs, it rras ar:ni:lurced. by San l{ap1an, president of Clil: C:-G0LjirlD iiU,fi C !'-SiT'/-.L Ray's Barber Shop llA Blae. E6r of Rivrr on Sourh Si& of nAY PLlrCtISft, proprhfor &r0ch Crrr Crrt Flrr Topr Rr. I2O the Chicago 'bi Ctrrroncy rlxcitrnge .rissocia- iJore tiran 500 exchenges, nenbers of the ass,rciation, offer over-the-courrter sales of ;)1 bicl:ets io iho fes'Lival, l.rhicli "urill be held Satut'day, .uug,ust 1!, in SoLd.iersl Fielcr. ftl aridition, the cllrrgncy exciungos ;rr11 issue :.iolley ord.ers -'rithout cir,:rge and. free oraer e:rveiopos to persons -'rishinS to orCer i2 s&d il, resorved. seciion seats. cn. - - CANDIES COSMETICS Tta1i,an .Lenori Jolu::ly Cash, one of the nations iop ";',Iester::. and folk recoldi-ng sta"rsi Jach Linkletter, host of aBC-T[ts r,rce}C.;'r hootena:my; Jwte Carter; the Phoenix Singers, aad the Statler l:YothEID. year i)ete Fountai.n, i:elr Crles:rs jazz clariaetist, and iris cor:bo; Ser;io lYanchi., The ar:rruu.I rrusic festiv.rl chis foaiures :;a-)me .'irg, thc iei-tz itn;;: ]5th TOILET ITEMS PRESCRIPTIONS CAN.EFULLY FILLED BOLGEHS DRUG 1259 N. Groon STOR,E 3S545m Strcot The pro6;ra"n al-so includes at cirli ghting, cer e;tiolly' " thc fa:rous Subscribe ]low RED HOT SPECIALS MANY IAORE HAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 1964 THUNDERBIRD HardloP, Full Power, Like New ....... .... .....13,495.00 I962 RAMBLER, 9 Parr, Wason, Radio " Hcalcr - O'Drivc - Clean . $ 1395.00 l96t VOLKSWAGON Tudor, Radio - Heater' EconomY CHRYSLER Sedan, Radio - Heater - Auto. - Power COR.VAIR Monza, ...$r r9s.00 l96l l96l $r595.00 t962 BUICK, Sky Lark Convertible, Radio, Heater, Automatic ........ ..tt,895.00 l960 MERCURY Monlerey, Radio - Healer - Aulomalic 3995.00 I 961 Radio-Heater-4Speed Panel, 10,000 $I295.@ $r295.00 Buckei Seais - Heater - Stick s89s.00 s695.00 I96l VOLKSWAGON Acfual Miles 1959 DeSOTO Sedan, Radio . Heater . Automatic lmperial Chrysler Plymouth Valiant MoToRS, lNC. 2508 W. Route 120, McHenry, Phone 385-3100