GOD GIVES IHE SHOULDER ACCORDING TO THE BUR.DEN Sui::m, GR.iIDUAISS !"Oifl ,!.1+ ' 'liorthenr Il1i-sois lBivorsltsr Sraated of ]th grailuate anti record a surmer rndergrailuate degreos -at com'emcexrat here fuursdaY August 6. tsIS Presidemt Leslie A. Eollres ccnferred. tho ruiversit3rls seca'd doitoral dogree oaa Robort B. I&cDoaId' of trt' doctor frispeet. IEaoErma3.d recelved the ed'ucatisa' busi-ness i-u of eiucatio degreo Sorthelzrs flrst doetorate, asard'ed at Jrne eouas.caent, also sas i:r busiBess educatio. Dr. iirlo L- Schilli.ug, Irosideat of itape::viffers iiorth C@tral College' deIivered the eqmacaet adCresg' The follwiag eaiors sere a'ward'ed adr*nced degrees: ?icEmrlr: .fotq .gntselr e:astrcrsg, HSE; $orotl5r H* E:Ilriah' HE The follc'rirg *emiors sere atrarded bachelorts degreec: }?gnGer l,ake: Barbare 3m Yoge3', BSI' El'earor C. ilriglrt' BSE ';toodstock: H'orbert L$Bold' Ziersier, ffiE TLLISSTS 6EEI&{T SSSgffiLY EIII your rray a4d perlLit you !o p,ut tho rlneri*o' -- Stl" ira6irpnise systqm to ssrk.ft g*tffu, ia his opeeob to the..Ild+ $fU rlYsu heve $ehlIling gradtiatese D!'. !dd, erapleted tbo fLrst lap of 3rcur journey, t*t-yo* groateet ehelleagei tie aheail.H Blferring to the essentlal ::ature of isvestaeot couoselLng lr -Lxrorioaa sooie*Irr Dr. SehilliuS.told the graduates tUi they had something far nrore vaLuab.le to irsrest tha,n noaey. E listed taleats, abilitieE, effort, eaer$f,r itrivo aa.bltloa, sldIls aad trnierrttal. o0ur Eest Investnent as s nation is i-a 3rou.. ..the educated.s t i Ihe @gress riIJ. so@ glve atteni;ie' Gaeral' to tU" v"fiaity of tho l11iaofi'stHs rubi"""rnri (statl Legls'Lature). ilec*sia. a reeat of toet- t"i"ie ueoause Ii-tuu U. S. Sugrw sout holtliag-ir-;I,ia tu" rgSh suenaent to tbe rlliaois -C*otit"tfo-.tL"U created 58 Seuete ' Ass@ai"t"tot" sf orr llllaois GneFI e 1n1u1sclusiYelg G-*""-be based ;i; - ".tfl that such distrits gst t"-"tt"Ufished so ea to relneeent apI'rorr i"ttefy tbe saae nirnber of leople' Ethe goldeu A oollege diplma is aot nthe but is lassport* .by to Buecessrt thEt EiII help greiluates m their rray. Dr. SrIo L. Schilling, trresitleat of Horth,Ceatral So1Lege, Salnmille, told a re@rd-baHng mmber of Eorthem. Unlversitgr s&mer graduetee flllaois 'that: trThe diplm. JFotr are about to reeeive ie aot the goltleu by to su.ccess. It is the trasspnr* thBt EiLl s1rced you o:x BErI .ustv,ERsEr EEffiS SIT;GER :g13;S GOI,D :'"iEDi.], f.siei of 3ngeIa tyric 0pora in Chieago last yarr She d.11 contiaue. Hith opera coaching, at RooseYelt University this fal1, fhe siagers beautifuL aoai;raLts voi,ce is seli loaotm in the licHenry area as she Eras a x:enber of the $eiIer,ry Choral' club' i mnify happiness is gragile at best, rbct it gltb"rs sor.d.erftrl strength-when rnember understards that good humor i*""y its far aore i:aportaat the^r big ineo*e. of LUe aedal-}5th. CLri-eagol'and Husic FestivaL for her soLo in open rocal soLo eontest (out of Chieago area)' Sbe ts studyiag tnoer $onnan Gulbrensea, Professor at llortlrrosterri Universl.t3r. .Lirs. .arnici seag rvith the chorus Anthouy place goLd sec@d worr EleEenrlr, nDeenH aaioi, wife of