S]iiLi0ii FOR. }.f,SS TEE!{AGE CEICAGO Chicagols Ameriean has begun ite search for Mlss teenage Chioago L96. ?hat bright, talented yotmgeter rill relr reseat the eotire Chieago area in the liss Teea-age Anerioa 5ngeant tho reek of inovomber J in Da11as, Texas. Resid.ents of Cook, DuPago, iG:oe, ieko, :icHenry and ffiII cotmtiee in f lliaois Watch for the Fall are oliglble. 1c SALE starting OGTOBER Iliss Toen.,ge Allerioa, to bo crosaed during a livo, natl-oa.eid.e teLooast cEl Friday, November 1], rrlas a forrr Jrear, $10r000 scholarship to the eollege ef her choioe, i,;iss Teen+go Chi ce.go L)65 also 1111 be orormed d.rlring a live, '!fGI[-S oolor,Bs+; so Sracday, Oetober 1], bY tha reigping queen, Baulene Keea, daughter of tne Ray:nond. I aJaong other trn1zes. ?ftic*e'ary'o ?uzrodlf Duq Staaa Keens, 57d+ S. SaSrre, Chicago. Anothor $500 seholarsbip araits Miss ?een-ago ChioaSo L965, amsag other prlzes' Deadliao for tha local coatest ie llorGiring r .. SAH Green Stamps NOW FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY tl$ THE McHENRY AREA noon Mevnd.ay, Sel*ember 28. ft is not a bathr-i-ng beauty csntost. Instead, 6togt' snls &re asked to appear before Judges in casual a&d. sefli-forml attire. Girlc bef,noen 15 and. If rrho attead an aocredltod school a^nd naintain a lassiag 8 Brandenburg Rd. AND :.GUARANTE PRO M PT and Rouae 12 Inglesit!e, Illinok 3E5-616t MMCCS (flcllcnrt'* tod Complefe Coernetic Sclecfion) ? SERVICE INGLESIDE PLUMBING Repair and Jobbing ftesidcntial McHenry's Most Complete - ttrdustrlal - Commercial COSMETIC SELECTION WE 6IVE EXCELLENT comE To " HEAR YE!! toulsE's S]IAGT( SHOP l3:t Tr*y N. Rivrrridr f'or ]lomc-ordc SouF I $f;fr$fr$# NYE DRUG tcHcnry, lllinoir Iq25 N. Riverridc Drivc PHONE ?t*26 PlloNE 3Elt25E7 For Trlc'Out Ordrrs Oo.Ga E ce ?'.rc-rq "lat,rrac, Srfrl d Mrirg I