* Firet rorv, left to rtght3 Bdrinna Crook, pdwin Boyle, Yarina lTentrorth, Unknorn, Ellea Spanoer, Lester Page, Sna $ordstrom, Loonard Frett, Dorottlv Lragren, George Voeltz and lgnes Eathews. ?ad ros: ldarian ldathews Franoes Tyoital, Heary trtokols, RuthBaoon, Wl11ia Slurpsoa, f,atle ltrune11, Ih,knorn, Itary Etaunorm.a:e ?, Enest Kanholtz, fu.a lbabh, Floretroe (aaholtz, Larls XoCoubor. 3d ro",s Unlcrcwn, Ihkaorn, Lora f,rauso ?, Eerberi, Blfreda Blook, Iaurenoe Xllfer, Etta tieyero, Carl Pa3me, EIla fbsoh. 4th rowl LoulE Stoffel, Leoaa Ferklns' Clareno Foss, Ruth Croos and ldyrtle Sattlea, the teacher. Photo, Courtesy lauis Stoffel, reproduoed by Rudy Bryant. l{anos, oourtesy of Franoes Yyoital. PUBT,IC SCEOOL CLASSJICfMglt. Ambulance EU 5-2400 RESGUE BREATHING EQUIPMENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched