NEEDED AT THE UNTTED NATIONS !S UNTTED NOTIONS 'VIOST McHIINRY ]\,IAF"II{E FESTWAL QLTEEN CONTEST She rmrst be a year round resident of the Appli.cations are now being accepted i!{cHenrXr High School District, rmst have for the Anrnral Qlreen contest sponsored her parents written consent and attend by the VFW Auxilatry to Post L60O of the eourse of training provided by the l4eHenry, flllnois as a part of the VFW Auxiliary. The closing date for Marine Eestlval run eaeh year by the application is April 30 and the date of judging wiII be June L3. Judges names McHenry Chamber of Commerce. lb. Lou Consago is Chairman for the contest and will- be diselosed at a later dateo Thi-s year the Queen and her mother witr-l win appll.cations may be glven to hlm at the MeHenry Theatre. a thrlll packed trip with aII expenses B"ules for the contest are as follows. pai-d. The girls who are applicants wiIL The applieant nust be single, rmrst be be advised of the whereabouts of the trip 15 by the date of apolieation and not the first night of the training schedule. past 2I by the date of final- judging. Last years Queen Mlss Patti Gray was sent THE THING Rkiad,'a @eat+ua, Crro. lUlcHEltRY GARAGE Ieep Sales and Serviee NlK P. MILLER, Owner QUALITY CLEANING LAUNDRY SHI RTS Specialists in KNIT DRESSES Phone 385-0403 926 N" Front Slrect McHonry, lllinoir Friday to 9 P.m. 385-1712 McHENRY 1208 N. GREEN Open _ FORMALS _ DRAPERIES FURS LEATHER 7 a.m.-6 p.m. MAKE R.ESERVATIONS FOR EASTER DINNER ?,add@ Breokfosl Luncheons Dinners Private Dining Roorn for BANQUETS o PARTIES MEETINGS Reservalions Welcorne 7 Sdry lmporled Novelties .,rM JODOT, Prop. GIFTS ond CURIOS f766 HAWAII, SOUTH SEAS and ihe ORIENT - 506 HANCOCK DRTVE VONDER LAKE, ILLINOIS PITONE 653-4334