Your Financial Security' What's The Secret Formula? comedian once assured his audience that, far from being broke, he actuallr. had $TS in a savings account. "That's financial securit\'," he boasted. The true meaning of "financial security" is difficult to deflne. certainly the secret formula is closely tied to thrift and a regular program of saving. And nol how much mone)' a person plans to save but rather how much he actually does save lvgsft in and week out, year after year. Let's say you open a savings account this week with only $g.SO and add another 99.50 to vour account each week. By this time next year your accoLlnt rvill total more than $000. In two years the balance u,iiI exceed $1,000. That's real money. Savings, regular savings accounts earn 47o and investment accounts 41/4Vc, with dividends paici and compounded tw,ice a year. Your savings are insured safe up to $10,000, are convenient and readily available. A dol.iar can open your savings account at l\,{cHenry Savings. Why not stop in or phone today? Cordia11lr, A television At McHenry E. ROGER COLLIIIS, President Mc I{ENR,Y SAVINGS AHD TOAII ASSOCIATIOI{ fiember: [edcral Savings and toan lnsurance Corponlion 3 611 W. EIm Street/ Mcttenry / 38S.3000