IF YOU SOW A LITTLE KINDNESS YOU WILL REAP A CROP OF TRIENDS ffi T'ifr STTLVATI3,'; iFI'{Y r"Irs. Fa'iI 5. Jessup, lrl^5 N. Country CIub Dr., wi-ll sertr'e as ehairman for lielienrlr lor the ,Salvation Armyts area wirie laq ia1.., rrlouqhmrt l-]ay.rr The l'Ioinanf s Club ,,,ill sconsor lile tag day ir: i,lclienr;'. The apooini;rent r^ras announced tcda.y try "Irs. EarI ,.). lhrhar,Jt, lglr S. Har,;ihorne Ave., ilmJ:ursl, co-chairman of the annual rtrive which '";ill be heki on Iri.rlay, June IO, ia Ch'icago anci ilO suburban cortruni.i.'i es . 1,3 S . Yichiqan a1,e., (rtnancial- O-iOSO or caLI i,!rs. jessup at 385-6ZIJ6 or luirs.) Gi.rens at 385-_1580 assignments at'rDouplhrmt Dayil Head.[uarters. -' as co-chairrnan. Taggers are neecled to volunteer just trre o" lhree hours of their time to seLI the faniLi.ar doughrmt-shaped paper tags. fndividual t,aggers, teants of fri_endsrand club rroups can reouest tagging livens, lLtg She l,rill- be assisted by i'irs. 'r'ril-Iiam 1.].. John St., r,.rhs wj-IL serve WORTHY OF YOUR UOTE XJ.R. IE SQUE I}lI BTPUBI.ICAI{ CAIIDIOAIE rOR 33'! DlsTRtcT PRIttlARY II.tCTIOtI IUtSDAY, JUt{[ 14, lg66 Itut'0ls ll ousr 0F R rpRrsrrrrArrttrs