THE filORE THINGS A MAN IS ASHA'VIEO Since 1936 Or, rXr 'NORE RESPECTABLE HE tS NEITSLETTER CGIPLE?ES Ed Reid Orvis Goad 385-2576 338.2598 Tree Surgery Planting - Removal Spraying - Stump Removal 37ll W. Maple Avenue McHenry, tltinois AilDERSON TREE SERVICE fficHENRY GARAGE leep Sales and Service NICK P. MILLER, Owner 0r flBLICttroN. ThIr lreuc of tho Flotorial ilcwshttrr, orrnod end publlrhed by trthur J. Stuh1folor of thr Vl1l.agr of l[o0ul1m Irkr, ctertt ltr rlrventh yoer of brlnglng photor, both old end now, rad eriioler of intrrcrt to t[oErnry tr.l r.tldrntr. Our old tlmr photos brtng brok mnny momorloe of deyr gonr by, end our ongagrmont, rrddlng end lrrlour othrr ploturre brlng pheeurr to tho fenillec end friudr of thorr ploturrd. Thr $otshtttr lr gnto. ful to thorr rho hevr oontrlbutrd pf,otor ead nowr rrtlolor, rad e rpcoitl thenk you to thr neny burlnorr folks who urc our prp.r to brtng thrlr rrrvlooc to thr publtcr Ir. StuhLfrlrrrr oepabLr esrlrtantr err Lolr Prpntl rnd Iolr Hrrke . SPEC PICTCiIAL IO4E YE.IR Phone -?85-0403 f26 N. Front Slrect McHonry, lilinoir to rrrbrorlbr to thr plotorlel Norslotttr, rlnd bh* on prg. 2 end 11.00 to tho odltor oa or U.Io". Oot. I, for a fuLl ycer of norr ead vLrrr. you wlrh If IAtr, ANNIVERSIRT SIIBSCRTP?IO$ OPFER I NOW OPEN Srry ?*t/oz Saat Azl Lunchcont Scrvod McHENRY KART PARK O PRIME BEEF O SEA FOODS O COMPLETE MENU OPcnTdryrrwook 2l Boot Slips on Fox River for Curlomcr Prking Fronz Millbrook ot the orgon Fridoy ond Soturdoy Evenings 801 N. Rivor Rd. Track Open Friday Nights 7 to l0 p.m. Snlurdays and Sundays I to l0 p.m. Special Rates on CIub and Party Dates Corner of Lincoln and Chapol Hill Road - McHonry, Sculh of 120 Phone 385-9736 or 385- 1994 CHABLES STf,IJ.ING