IT !S I/\APOSSIBLE TE BECOME EDU{A,TEB BY LEARNBNG ONTY WI.|AT YOU IIKT Mei{ENRY CO}0,II]N]:T (Li:1;3 ILUB SIEVES YCUTII aI The {cienr;r Klwanis CIub was chartered eleyen iea:s age this November. During lhe past eleven years, the Kiwanis CLub Creed oi Service to the corrmnity ls indeed arcarent w'ith a review of the mary proJee-,s ',hat have been undertaken successfully by the cLub. fhey reeentLy donated ',r{o Exercycles to the Chleago CI,rb for CrlcoleC Children Camn at Plstakee Lake. In addition to this, the Klwanls CIub has en+.ertai-ned each sesslon of the ca4 for the past nine years, Mrs. Y.ar1, Longo, Direetor of the Canp, expresseC :er apprectatlon to the club reeen:I.1', 'rHithout thelr help many of the ehiLdren should never have had the opportunlt;r to experience the miniature train riCes, pony riCes, boat rides, the feel of a live duck or the entertainment of a Iive clowlr.n The Klwanls CIub has provided indlvtdual asslstance to children in the ccmmrnlty nho need thelr help. In addsome of the many projects the Kiwanls CLub has been fortunate to sponsor or donate to in the corrmrnlty: McHenry Comrmnlty Blood Donor Bank, McHenry Llttle League and Pony Laague, Medlcal. eare to needy chlldren, McHenry High School Scholarships, l"lerlt Awards to addttion to thLs, the club is asking the help of the business and professional people of the comnmnity to underwrlte the cost of the pearmts in order that aLI of the money collected on Peanut Day may be used for the worth-while proJects undertaken by the club. Tony Pintozzi and John Fllnt, Pearmt Day Co-ChaiJmen. state that lt is onlv through the gen5rous support of peopll the conmunity are the proJects of the 9f Ktwanis CIub financlally posiible. WONDER LAKE KIWANTS CLUB }METING Our last mectlng in Ju[y ras FamLly Nlte held at the adJolning Lake Front Hornes of Cralgts, Hellertg anrl SuIIlvans. Sr.rfuruning, boating, skttug and games made ttton to this, the following llst is KLwanis Divisional Meetlng, Dean Lpnan of the DeKaIb CLub was nonlnated for tt. Governor for L967. Cral_g I{eLLer, Eowe, Klnzer and Wagner attendid the rneting. Prestdent }Iore presented the DeKaIb CIub rlth thc travelliag At the hearty appetites. gaveI. boy and girl from local grade sehools, Hot Lunch progran at schools for needy chlLCren, Ai-d to Boy Scouts, Ald to Explorer Scouts, Mental Health Center for McHenry County, Woodstock Childrenrs Home, McHenry Fiesta Day, YcHenry hrblic Llbrary, Viseounts, and Chicago CIub for Crtppled ChllCren At Plstakee Lake. ?he Klwanis CLub is a not-for-proflt organization operated as a servlce club wtth a predonlnance of thelr work done for youth tn the conrmrnlty. Because the only sourse of income of the Klwanis CIub ls thelr fund-ralsing projects, the Kiwanis CIub asks the publie support partlcularly on Pearnrt Day, September 23t L966. 0n this day Kiwanls menrbers and friends wlIL seII peanuts at varioug locations throughout the corununity. fn The Suburban Comaunity Chest preseatcd a check ts our club for uge in our ehlldren aetlvLties. ?hLs was dlsbureed from funds colleeted in the Metropolitan Arear but deslgnated by the gtver for use in Wonder Lake. Art Lau gaye a report on the Klranis Conventlon held at Portland, Oregon, airline strike created problens, resul-ting in Art con!-ng home by wiy of Seattle, to Vancouver, to Calgary, to lJlnnepeg, to Toronto, to Chicago. CRIPpLED CITfLDREN|S CAUP H.{LpS Y0UNGSTffiS and also on his trLp to Alaska. Th; bulldings and equlcment at the Chicago Club A ::ecent dedleation oo some of the ed at the nrouth of the reiver on the norttnrest side of Pistakee Lake, has been in ooeratlon for 2l years. The eano is a therapeutlc proJect accepting children only on the reco:rmen:iatlon of for Crlppl-ed Children Camp brought to lisht nany interestlng things that residents ol the ,l{cHenry area probably are not atrare of. The canp si.te, Iocat-