u/E HAND f oLKs ovER To GoD's ,vtERcY, AND sHo\rv NoNE ouRsELvEs All Gorrrl Officr Sup9lrrr IAACHINES LEADIT'G INAXDS TY'EWIITETS AIID AODIHG IEXTED f2l W. Elm 3trur I(RAUSE IIEIYS AGENCY Phoar 3tt{15 HEAR YE!! COME TO toulsE's SNACK SHOP 1335 N. Riverside For Tasty Home-made Soups Sandwiches PHONE 385.2687 - Pies For Take-Out Orders Closed Stnday and Monday EIa^io11. Itllss l,ilrray was ra.liant in a gown of white silk organza over bridal taffeta an.l embroldered ehantilly laee, fashioned with a scalloped neekllne and brkla!ooint steerres. Acting as maid of honor rrr.s her friend M,1ss i,farilyn Scarbrough an,i bridesmaids rere lvliss Susan lrfurray, sister of the bride, ptiss (aren Vlverlio an.1 }trs. Diane Haupt. GERTF"UDE },IURPIIT HOSTS LT'NCI{EON FOR tiful double rins eerenony, perforrned in Faith Presbyterian church, McHenry. The F-ev. John 0. Mc fntyre offlciated at the cerernony. The altar anC clnrrch lras decorated with bouquets of whlte Yiss Kathleen rfu:.ray, daughter of and r,Irs. EarI tfurray of l,lcCullonr Lake, and Anton F.. Cajthanl, IIII Sunnyslde Beach Cri.rer Sunrlvstde exchanged nuptial vows, Sat. Sept, ]rd in a beau- T.ATHLEEI{ MTJ?FJT, TO}Y CqJTHAML i,ILR TED LABOR DAY ].,EE(TIID Yr. OF.ACLEIS CLUB McHenryrs Royal Neighborsr Fox River VaLLey Carp and River:riew carp of which I4ary Kantorski and Kathryn Worts are IIISURANCE c r r o bYo I{O0IEOWNEP,S r r BONDS IUSIXESS LIFE AUTO of McCuIIon Lake Road. pot Luck luncheon was served before the businegs meettng after which l.{urphy the 0racles, entertained the Past 0raclets Club at the home of Gertmde A 'laines nere played. r FAIT r ALL UNES IAAIOR SEDICAL Poclrqr Your Covrrrgor I'o Af0o.d Brol&r Ccvrrrgr rnd Srvr You torry- EARL R. WALSH TACI( WATSH }{29 W. Elm Strrrl l*cXrnry, llllnoir PHONE 38!an00 Susan Olsen, llabeI Johnson, Beatrlee Fete:"sen, and Agnes l.,Tissell of McHenry lrere j-n charqe of refreshments, while Alpha Pedersen and LueLl-a Lockrniood of l4cHenry anC Elizabeth Schoer.rer of .Waukegan were in charge of entertaj_nment. Visiting nenbers fron Algonquin were Frieda Behrens, i,Iargaret Nason, Antonie Za.rnecnik, Vlasta Kirchrnan a.nd iuciLle Fuerst,. Frorn Crystal Lake: f Ia Gu..preeht, Bhoda Ornsby and Camille EbeL. Surnee: Gladys l.Ic Carthy and Marion McClure. Ilunt,Iey: Florence !{. Vopelak and Any .Tohnson. I'Ioodstock: Lora Becker Laura Sherman, Ida Hughes and Hattle Justen. Kay Luing of Lakeland Park and Elsie Reiker of Mcllenry, Here guests.