r7 'We are hoping'for thg biggest and best hunt vero ,,Our carrlne population wa"s increased by nlae the lst by tttr1lpck] es Ca7'setrrtt. She produced. 4 sone, and' 5 dat$hters, o{ ntrich .tbe mtire Casey household. are quite-proud.. Marge rather hateg toget ria of-tHen, but she has a week or so bqfore her neighbors coae calling for therN. ' By the wel they are Dalmatlsrls - the cutest ever! f Mr. 'and. Mrs. Loui-s Lovsted' of Arlington Heigbts, Bev Wickenlca.mprs grand.parents are celebratixg their Gold-en wed-di4g ar:n:iyersarJr the 2nd of March. Heartiest congratuiations, folks I Bev had. a very'd.elightful Stnaley denrrcnstratj-on the Uth of Febr. Those attend.ing were Elsie Korbahnr &{arge Casey, Carol Altmann, Dolores Roge;ns, Rita lbsteine 'IiarXr.Barley and myself . The d.emonstrator wi I Jane R.oelqer from in on tbe activities'of tlre subd'ivigion. Sarb ed hlat Malinowski' are wolkin8; oh a cioud.. . The adoption agency balled' ttrem and from the way things Iook, by t4e time this edition hits the stores, they will be the proud.est set of parents i-n tbe worldo \{e are so happy for you bot}r and. wish you the greatest happirress o It just ea.rne ip - the nei oaby is Rlta Louise - 5 mos. old - red. halr and- blue f,S c llovo A lool Trcat HomG-lUlode SouP ?ry'A Ol$er llrclr?l.r iAtllcaq ZGiT fr Ordct To Tetr Orl. Opcn ?irr S.tdticb, Horbsr3er cad Sha1imar. li.orbie Kw"iatek is now 6. -He eelebrated the great affair the 2nd of Febr. with Dave VfickerikffiPr Jane, Llarion rtoobie arrd. .Sar1ey and. ot' course the mommies arid Ray of s&rrler i'.{any happy returns, }iord:r-e. Yfeil, 'our first Brownie meeting finaily got rinlrway Sat. the 21st of Febr. It was quite an ex'citing affair for the gir1s. Alf ihe -rgottrers were there to Cl6cd Mondays to l0 A.M. to P.M. l.tluBt's silffi s[lP 1r9 f, " Blv-uraidr IICATERINGIE Barf,,{uc Ghfiekcn and Ribs register their daughtrs. Cookies were serrred to the glrls and. .cake and coffee to tJre mothers. 'Ihose now boastinil of being ,}rown-ies are A1ice Sullivan, Sherry Jones, Valarie 'ItrarJrl1n, tynn Ann Giaeomol Jearr ard Joyce I'iatrooXr Jo Arme Shabow, Barbara Krispln, Sharon l,eigh, reth OkaI , Jo /Ilrre Rizzor Kathy Becker Sancira Dawscn, and Ivlary Diabetic Foods Baked Lasagna,'- GhoP SueY Home Baked Pies and Gakes trny Hrrd to Gct Godir. Food Furnirhcd to have you aI1. i rarrt to thank every-one from the oottom of my heart- who went out last Swiday on the Heart }-'und. Drive. Lakeland. Parkt s total contribution was $110.07 God tsIess 'a11 r:f You. r'lash! ! r,atest news from the Stork ,-}ub -'a netv aridition will be delivered. bo the 'fJickenkamp home by the end of Sept. ii'iakes numOer three. Sreryone is very e.,'cited with the nws Ladie's dr-x-l't forget to attend the Womenr s CIub meeting Thursday , Ii{arch 5. :One wa:l to rneet your neighbors and get happy o Hagen. So ior Prrtht Tclephonc 7$ - $d Don'l Lrrgp or Smtll Bc Dirppointod PAilTRY DELIGAGIES ,itcHENR,Y'S ONLY DELICATESSEIi l3l Rivcrri& 9 r.nr. lo 9 P-m. 7 DtYr- Drir mGHonrY r Wcok