d. (ortr PICT()RIAf,-NIWS[[TI[R l0 Per elry, MARCH 4, 1959 _ VOL. 3, NO. 13 trrvin3 Viflogr ot iEIU{IONTHLY FAIR AND IMPAITIAT NEUYS tccr[- lrti, bbhrl ,.rlL Wa, $crr hcf, iftf- Or rHE COMMUNITTES Hb]!,!.d., N E W S L,E T T E R; NEWS FROrul lficlonry County Townrhip Ncwr, Cily of ilcHenry, Lekeland Park, Wcll Shore Bcach, Villagc of McCultom Lakc, ,Pirlekcc Highlandr, Hunterville Park, Village of Lat<c7noor end Vlllegc of Sunnyride. Publirhed the lrt and ilsrh of cach month by ARTHUR J. STUHLFETER. Copy lo be in by rhelOth end 25th of the month. Address P. O. Box 57, Mc)4enry, tttinoir. Phone McHenry 715. CO}IPILED AND OWNED BY ARTHUR J. STUHLFEIER { ?J at the Y.F.T[., Lodge 1n Woodstocko Rev" Ma:rrell was the'guest speaker. Ee stated tbat it sas impossibLe to overestimate the imporbarace of the worlr beiirg done in our therapy crtero No one krrors the eor:ntless nulober of - cttild.ren and adults rho have been epared a lifetime of pain and helplessness through the efforts of organizations like ttris orro Ha^gry 0. KirrPe, Crysta1 Laket (Continued. the people of McHerrry County to substarrtially increase their contributions to the firnd.. [he kick-off lrlnctre6n for the 1959 drive was held Sat" Febo L959 fast Seal carnpalgn when he urged. t nert page) Andorson Trce Se,rvice Tru Suqgcry - Ptrorirrg - Rcmovel FlrcpLcG Wood SPrllf'ln8 PHOl{Es Phoner: Woodstock 2598; McHenry 2576 RourE 4 - Box 6t ? o FaErD ilcHExnv. lLLrNolE onvrs GoAo Harry, g. Kinne, Urystar Lake, Presid.ent, ,of the McHenqr County Clrapter for the .Cripp1ed, and Mrs. .Ruth E. Jacobs, Cry. stal Lake,, Ohal:man of the L959 Easter SeaI campaign present bunny to Shella Peterson, ttMise Easter Sealrf toi t959. ALTHOFF'S GAS SERY ICE 700 Frcnt St. Phone 283 of Radio MSEIING ]n the hopes.that the therapy center in lilfood.stock can. be continued and expand"ed as planned, the Rev. Eugene Maxwell, sounded the keynote for the t95g EASTER SEAr e0AtS SET lr rrcr-otrF Complete Fleet Dispatrhed frudrs