.{ $EMl-,lioNTllLY PrciloRlAL-NE ELETTER, Cortiss, Grirstrrl lak?t. Iql E}lr {or Grovet Frp,k Kish; Eaivald'; ]{rs' &tyer 'BonkoskirEuntly;- Purdgtte lfhopas, A. Hsy funa, , MeEer:rXr; Toa Bow-ef Thomas Uctrlittan, Ilonder Lake; BnCaveny, ,Algonquini and i:i Woodstgcht the Urben eres c,hairmen are Cliffor{' Merwin, Wilbur fanimeus and- Mrs. M. Fry The voh:nteer men and- women nentioned' , R:ichnondg e EXCELLENT HOME FOR ELDER,LY PEOPLE AND CONYALESCENT /"" tln 1r"l end superrisi-ng add'ltiona} volunteers ' lmportarrt to mention here is the fact tnlt crr:er 5ffi of the firrrds resulting fronr the Drive willr &8 alwaYe, be spent in }ilClerulr Coqnty fer MeHer:-r:f Cor,4ty reslderrtst aid-. A good- part of tiie remai.r:ing $Afi is sPent bY the Natlonal Chapter for aid- cjn a Xa"bj-orral' scalg. .E r .e above w:i}} bave the task of appointint I Mite South of McHenry/ Route - Rosd 3I on ldylle Dell Jurt Eoct of Good whole/ome Quiet, cheerf,ul otmosphere, lorge oiry rooms. food. Ercellent nursing core. VACANT ONE PRIVATE ROOM For Full Poillcshri . , ].06 WARTIME M{E]RGE$ICY TAX STII,T ADDED a Wasnr t it tirne - a, long time a,go to rernove the 1@ wartime tefephone tax on YOU I It is now I1 years a.fter Yforld. Trlar fI and. the te-mporary wartime emergency tax is still aaaeO-to your telephone bill each monthl it is ,Your telelhone is not a luxury a household essential. In man;r instances, it .hrs been and will continue to be, the most,impbrtant item you have ever had, Money is also an importarrt item, and. when you figure tha.t the 'averate residential customer paid an estimated. $9.00 per customer last year, and the evera.ge business customer estimate was $75, you Continued insid.e back cover : i'['EMPOI?AIIT"' YOU S^&tD A MOUT[{FUI-! Oporctor For ENTERPTTIE 92OO-Toll Frec $crvicc PHONE McHENRY 9a0 I Arl g4ilticrtyE ORyCIAtyt fG Fnd runlfio aEB &0rH6g4I CtEAtlAs filcHenry Ready-lllir lnG. Co. READY MIXED CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED 600 FRONT I I for the best in SANITONE SERVICE PHOIIE g2T fot pick-up Service or SAVE l8/o Cash 'N Carry af Strreet RAINBOW CTEANERS N. ftont (Around eorner l.iorth of National Tea) STREET McHENf,,y, tLL . Ilclrenry. IIl. ]TT. OPE}[ FNIDAI- EI'ENIISGS TC, 9 P.