4' AN OID 'f1trdl OF RTU$RSIDE HOTilt (Kotatit< Studio Fhoto) Illcffierury State Banlt Mc HENRY, ILUNOIS U.S. serrrcemen wtren they were mshed. to Lebanon in the liear East and Fornosa in the western Pacific because of critical internationa.L cond.itions. By Ciscussions rith the East. German Red Cross, it was able to break the deadlock between our government anrl that of East Germarqrr md effect the liberation of the nine America^n sololers forced down in their heI1- McHenry Heating & COMPLETE BANKTilG SERVICE StNCtE 1906 Air C-onditioning Route 120 Deposits lnsured Ey F.D. l.C. Sales & Service Gas and Oil H eating Gutters - Downsfouts - Dech,s