t6 sEM l -MONTHLY p tcToR tAL- NEWSLETTER motorists must be extra eautious out driving so that no harm r!.i11 to them the little ones who forget to be careful. you when come to'ivard. spring, there will be. more and. more little o]1es out playing so all PISTAKEE HIGHLAilDS JANICE JANQUART, Reporting MeHenry 2579 l i t cheer him up. A group of the illgirlanCers got together to go bowlin,g,last Saturd.ay. The ha"opy bowle:'s r{ere Jo anid. I{erb Shivley, Ste.re and Jerry Urbil<, Flcyc and yi Johnson and I{arri*t and" Sk_ip i'/ilson. 3ii1 a:id- Glad-3's Tcnkinson, ani Jall and. je:rqy ,Tanqr,rart .were cirry:er guests of ii'orcon ana ,'az'ge Seigaiit. f t iras a deliciorr.s i.inr:er and. ail had & rno.-.t'wond.err.ul It looks r.ow like good old sprlng 1s just around. the We are alL most happy about this "orrr"i. f am sur.' Glad to hear Jim tsaies is horne t'rom the hospit'al and doing nicely. l,,lany friends have been over tc "see him and to around the corriro ii{r's" }Ta;rcy Shelter and. da.rrghter pam spent the d.a;, with John and . H11a Heinerr&nr The Shelterts are frorn trIgin" Bud. and Flihel ilelriernarr spent Suri.ray visitine time. Dot and Jack Erbin have really ha^d_ a l;ime with sore throats, $rcIlen gland.s, colds and. rvhat-have-yo;. ,fanice] Crry and Carol are gettirg tired. of, it all too. Being they are the victimes, we say cheer up kiod,j-es. Tlarmer weather is just The ljrolrrdes an,r Girl. Scouts are out selllng cookies. 1_nagine these ar:xious Iittle rascals ha.re been at your d_oor. lei;s aJl bW loads of cookies" lLir . and. i ,rs . Jarnes I.r i chol son spent the weekend he:'e in the Highland_s. I;'/e are s orrj' to lose some urlghty f 1ne neighoors. Cla;iton and Gertoqi" Dod.ge have sold their home and will be moving 'i;o Canada. ;/ould like to extend ttirthd.ay Cofrgratr-rlations to 1,::'s. f,ee ConwaSr Happy 3irtl:Cay- i,ee ar;d marry, iltany moreo with the lieinemaris c FREUND 4()I FBONT STNEET OIt COMPANY SINCE t93l Quality Petroleum Froducts McHENRY, rtr.rNOISi PHONE 852