SIART AI,ID DE'V}-iIO-IMH$T OF ]{ORIE BiU}qE MSIIB{RI, MAA1NE SERV-rCE (b. rltlrois THTIE 1S Ftvnffiffit! enter the Evinrude Dneam- lf you haYe mot already deme i0, be sure to boai Contest In 1!08 Everett Hrrnter, Sr. eonstnicted. bloek a::.d. frame xeof b:::l-d.lng en the east sid.e .*f t}l* *3S briel:* er:CIs s the Fox River i* &!bii*nr;r a+,nd begae to rrr:ii. & cemen*b .? fabulaus dreamboat in EV!NRUDE'5 drealnboal coltlest which is being conducted by tors in coniunc- Evinrude Mo- tion with NORTH BRIDGE fttARlNE of McHenry. You can win a Houseboat worlh S24,0@ ar well as a multitude of other prizes by only visiting NORTH BRIDGE MARTNE and filling oul an ap- plication blank stating, "People .who own an Evlnrude .gel more fun out of life. l'd like to own a 1959 Evinrude because e ., . .tt Dorl't miss lhe boat (Dreamboat, fhat is). Sign up today. b*et*u mmgr-*g tririon i're stitr l in use on waters e3.i t.rer oi-ir nati*nn i Since then, boats have been buiit for the na;rry during the wars and for use aa' life boats on inany beaches and.- for Bleaeurr In A956 this busiuess-was sola ro a loca1 resid.entr,HarzXr Hansy and. was rnana6e& by Fred. Huffrnaster, another IocaI residellt. fhe 'ccnstnistion of boats was d,iscountiaued anff the was ctranged. to North Bridge Marlne Se:rrlce Co" trecause of ttf s locatibn ( Continued 9l? ba4c qr""r*,Iity wood"en Andomon Trcc SurScry Tre Serice SPaff'lng - P[rodo8 - ncoonl Notrh Bridge Marine irlbHENRY PHONE 36I nroDlre Wood PHOXEE. On Fox River - t Blk. North Rrq. 120 .Eo Rero -ISnvrs GoAo Phones: Woodrlock 2598i McHenry 257o tlourE I .Box 6l? tlcHExnv. lLLrNo)s