lb SEMI.MONTHLY PICTOR Andorson Trce ScrviGG Trrc $urgcry - Phntlos - R:movrl FlrcpLe Wood ttpnyfng P}lONEg- Phoner: Woodrtock 2598; Mcllcnry ZSto PISTAKEE,HIGHLAilDS JAMCE JANQUAR.T, R.ePorting McHenrY 2579 'i#ren there are bud.s on the trees end. ' Eo FIEID Pnvts GoAo pouye 4 - Box 617 McHsrav. tLLtNo)s familiar sign a4d.that is the children rururlng aJ.l over the 'place " Fa]ling in the mud and. then d.ra4:ging it through the holrse * thls is * l-tign of spring. tAt eny rateu Tse are eJ": i:api:y to see the warm we*ather hgre* [a]"ked. to frIr " &ild. i{rs * Browr the other td.ay, ariiC },{rs. Brown :,'res just. beaming. She just had. carpeti:ig put in her house anrd }llr. Brown said she only weited. three Arqrone interested" in a rtiee l$-foot. Cheteck boat, 7957 modelr Bet bushes and you hear people telling of the many r6bins they ha,ve seen, it sure is a sign of spring. Thbre is another INCOME TAX SERVICE McHENRY ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICE Phone Wonder Lqke 7211 or McHen{f 343 For Appointment tN nieHENRY OUR OFFICE lS AT 3OS W: EL'I'I STREET (Aeross From The Jewel) in touch with lir. Bro'fiIio tYould like to wish Sert and Claybon Dodge the very best of e"verythjrg. They are mr,)rringl to Canad.a ar4y oay rowr I{ile and. John Heineman had dinner at their d.aughter Bessier* this Sund.ay" Son-in-Iaw Clare enjoyed hinself but ft Foys To Sqve where Scvings Poy was riisappointed. because he lost;olayi4g 0anasta. The grar:d.chi1dren, &:ck, tsil} arrd. i,inda enjoyed. the visit with their grandparents o i'trice to see Jim i',a19s up ane arowrd" aga,tyLt AIso i.lay i:;ovotny ar,d. little Donna Dobecki are recoverir:g frorn illIleSSOS Freslcient Jerry danqnart; Yice Freeid.ent- !'lo;'d Johnsonl $ecretary - Loretta lli ckelson, and Treasurer Iron -il'owler. Ooiigratulatj-ons a:rd best of luck 'bo all Congratulations to Gir,ny and John .Jmerich on the blrth of their daughter. (}eor.j:e adfi lirs.Tilfn l",amrnert arrd- song John a,d. Y.e.tin will tpurrOf llaster Sund-ay The Johnsburg P.'l'.A* helC their election of off i cers f or the comirrg year. o of you" u? l0 tl 0,0 0 0.