t# SEM I -MONTHLY },[ur- P ICTORIAL-NEWSLETTER phy and Tootie Lewis. llhe gifts rflere s imply beautiful and. nun *ous ; as a matter of fact, llarbara sti1l has them ori display in case anyone should want to s ee them . So , once aga.:.n, wel come , itita, arrd our best to you arrd. your raine Hi}Ier, I,ee Arue Snith, L{ary All Your Building Needs a qu{te a bit of entertalrriiig; going on Cespl be the fact most people had to tmdge their way through mud. nearly krree-deep, lt'or instar,ce, J)orothqr l*einerce had her friend.s from work, Jessup 1,1'9. Co., over on Thursday, the 19th, for dirrrier at roorrr ilhe guests, Barbara anct- I,laI i,,lal-inowski, T'ootie i ersis, id:ra Aevermarutr' Alice f,"ov,al, Iuiarty Kir,rterk and. ELUIO, enjoyed. the meal ivhich coiisisted. of meat loaf t niashed potatoes, cauliflorrer, artd. the most d.elicious salad of which Tootie arrd lJLeI ate out of regular se::ving -oowls. 'lo top it off were chocolate eclairs arld coffee for d.essert. Itrs a good thing they only had an hour for lunch or t hey woul,l ne-rrer have made it -back home. i'ioruny and ,Daddy. There has beer- rnff P[Alr stnutct AilD rslltUtlt0 o fficHEllRY TUMBER CO. 6r r ilAlil sIrtEI Icllilil, ll,L Phone 46 1! ir, celebration of his l1th oirthaay. llarge -u'ranJclin, who is notedfor hor d-elicious, as well as beautifu1ly cecoratecl cakes, mad-e ilorrr:iers cake, a;.d from what ] hear it stood- up' to repu-Eaiion. il-the boys piayed several garnes for whlch prizes were lfforlr It all end.ed too soon f or everlnone. I,,{arry happy returts of the dayr ilonnie! ir'lotherrs nagging to put the ironins board away proved. to be a great shock for Jimmy I'ujak on riaturday, the 21st r On entering the room in which the j"roni4g hoard. belonged., alk of Jimr s l,,iLarch" dorrriie Knrmsee, of the Corrrer Store, entertained ;r.llan Kujakr ilr::is \Ion riolleribe:g and. ii.obert '.farnrnsend on IICATERINGII Bar-B{uc Ghirilrcn and Ribs Sp*takgng * Diabetic Foods Baked Lasagn a'-- Ghop SueY Home Baked Pies and Gakes Godirr Food Furnirhed for Perthr Ltrgo or Smtll end Don'l Bo Direppointod Telephone 754 Irleny Hrrd to that all the regula:: chit chat, the crornd presented. him with a p air of rubber pants, a pacifier and a request to eat some b'aby spinach. Being such a goodgeru'sport his reward was the pile oll .fi"le nice.. ine gifts which were very overr everyorre helped ro11 up the ri:.g for .deuicing. Then aborrt theurh yous frlends jumped a"rrd hollered. 'tsurpris" sent Jimrny to tne floor. -After fu r - PAilTRY DETICAGIES McHENRY'S ONLY DELICATESSEH 13{ Rivercidc Drivc 9 r.m. to 9 p.m. 7 Dryr I ilcHcnly Wcck