* -'!IONT T{LY PICTORI AL.NE\^'SLETTER SEM I IHOIITAS P. BOLGER THE itcHENRY DRUGGIST Phone 40 lAcHeilry McHenry Heating & Air Conditioning Route 120 MARY AAI[0 INFrRST COIU,,IU}IJOI'I A]PREAI, Sa[es & Service Gas and Oil H eoting Gutters * Dowrrspoutt - Decks W TT SHORE BEACH BE?TY FREDERICKrrnd JOAN KRONCKE, Rcporting tcHonry 3al9 vierre both bactt in hari:ess er4:airi, so letf s see if 1 celi catch ulr on the newsi llicirrt l;ary ;:,ickleson d.o a fj-ne job on the i-ast column?? i'iary had. conre over to tar<q care of Betty -d'red.rick.t s child.ren whlie retty rrent irr to s ee tire St. Mary's Parish presents ..SHOWBOAT SERENADE" TWO ACT MUSICAL VARIETY SHOW 60 The Knaackr s have been quite busy. On Sunday, l,farch 22, t]re vtrole famlIy went to the lllhurows home 'in Crystal Lake for supper. It was a celebration in honor ooctor. Jletty wor.mo up in a hospital be<1 for a few days and. in surgery having a. p ainful boil removed". I',tary wrote the coh:rnn while surround.ed. by nine ehiLd.ren. A stupendous feat! . Voices Cast of t00 Adults suNDAY, APRIL 19 end 'l'herr on Easter Sr:nday the Kna^a,ck fanniwas on the road. a,gain. This time to SulJivan, irlisconsln to attend a d.inrier in honor of Boyd.ts neicers corifirmation. 1r-'the evenirg the }Uraack child.ren tra1led. their cousin Boo Krruth aror:nd. of Boyd.r s nephewt s confirriratj-on. They all enjbyea the beau'biful calre d.ecorated. like a Bible. Iy TUESDAY, APRIT 21 I P.lA. ST. MARY'S AUDITORIUM, McHENRY Tickets: Adults $I.fi); Children 50c