^t SEM I.MOf{THLY PICTORIAL-N '.'**nt1g* n,;i,t, l.er:d"*r qlonstmx*ti*;xn* Ihe pub.i.5a r"s i":tvj-'L*d. T5.ck*is are ,svaj.I* eble m* *h* do*ru role as tbe eaptain of t}le Slrowboat, Robert E. Lee. St. Mar3rt s new aud.itorium with its elaborate lighting and sor:nd systems is one of the best-equipped stages in the areac It has a seating eapacity of 850. The pro*eed.s of the "Shc,mh*e* S*rsm&else wi3l go t*ward,s fimanej":r6: *h* mj.}ij.*r: dr:i}*r "Jlfanlam 0entraL fi{H"&hoLg* }iigh Sr:*.*r;.'t f,*:: th"* child"ren cf iS*f.i*r1ry Contir rueri ) w]]] Ae ptayOd by Ronatd farlcs, who will also sing ,,Rer s Got the llhole It/orld. is His Hands',o Mrs".yirgin:la Mroz will play the part of Grandpappy Jackson. Da,trr Justen will play tie- ilaa 'tSEOIISOAT SEREI{ADE|++( Yillagp IEIECTIONI Tuesdiy, April 21, 1959 Polls Open 6 A*tl. to 6 P.*1. W*JJ*nnW Qo,ogo WEE,LYS SALTi$ & SENVIC}: llffi Yehieles $eeps, Stmtion Hlsgoses f,md Tr*eeBss ${3ek 'iQ'ffi{sii1F ilii0Tl$]{ fi'iSUi tS Peoplet s Farty: Leitoy &1, ljmith L?6ZA ;l,trriert A. ,-ci.afirs 1611 ; f,ial-ter J. .Dean 1591. lno"ependent Party; ; ichael Sclraefer 14u5 ; iJarl J ", ilall strom * L57tr; James -ilthoff - 7565; Charles t', iller ZZZZ. P. ffiiEEer, #wmer fill irlakes Ufe $eruice of 000 mOffi $TRttT Phone 4O3 lrlclllfiRY, ltt roHW rUE#mHnN HQI#HPIWEIUT ffiesidemtial amd Gosmsmercial ffiaulimg GomBletely Enclosed MGHenry Disposal Seruice ll5 Eelt Third Streel WILLIAI'T DEVR.IES McHcnry 2221