""! SEMI -MONTHLY PICTORIAL.NEWSLETTER llovo A lcol Trcot Home-Iilgrde ',f :,,! SouP Otle; Srrclr. ?1.; McHcdry 26t7 7r Ordr* To Hornburgcn cad { ?irrc tc;drich, Try,A W t'.%, C,TiIE*q' |d Trto Ort" Open lO A.M. to r0 P.M. Clo.Gd Mondays Lc ot& 1r9 X. Elvcraido !.0ll1$'s $n$( $l0P DBUTY mlrYD CIISCK]NG SAIi'ETY PATROL PATROI{iil OllN AOHTRTISTRS BOAT CAMPATGN RESI]LIS to prevent collisron damage to nis ooat. . ;resid.es the segrrients of piers anii ctocks drifting dolni the river, in the water also" #ith a sat'ety patrol boat, these darrgerous obstacles to ooating coulo be haulerl up on the sirore by the persorrrel ol' the patrol boat, thus elirninating amothcr source of quite a i'ew duck blincis have been seen keep alert vrater accid.ents. Anyone wishing to contribute tc the frrno to secure a ;iat'ety Fatr.ol "lloat can serrL t,-cir co"rrtribu-tions to tire jherii'f ts -.rerartment at :'/oodstock, or icave i b at l.O:iTil B;]JJ'.}."i l'Li:ili;li ili , cr1er...r;, or any otrrer reliaoie ooat dealer i','ho nill see \i,zh it reaches tite plroper hanris. :irTf S i,iJ,l, OUI ,,r,'LTllRrT-4.YS li-ii,r'"[,] r!'-\)R 0U.t ,ji1l,ti:lll'l t'O i;l,JOY! ! ! ! PATROIIIfi OIJR ADUTRTISTR$ GEORGE R. 106 IUSTEil & SOil McHENRY, lLL. Funerol Home W. ELM ST. .WILBERT IIECI{T, SR. YOUR SHOE COUNSELOR INSTANT KNAPP KNAPP BROS. SHOE MFG. 8ROCKTOII. ,,A5S. T(cr2fid MAPLE DR.. MCCULLOM LK. MCHENRv. rLL. PHONE: MCHENRY 3I57 AMBULANCE Two-Way Radio Dispatched Equipmen? 7II CORP. ^fl0 LOs AIIGELES. CALIF. Phone McHenry 2400