il fem Cri]l Opened llr Ffi Leke fruth +ud" Bob Selt& of 'the ,by 'Vi$ege of trf,cL\rl}om Leke. bets Bertr3rg flae have They years " Bggt sf $raooeas. Ehe Plrbiieher foods ln }f,oAan41 f,or ebout I UILLAGE OF fficGULLOill Lilff Selcome to tbo ner reaidenter Iroreu a,rd Kathleen Pirsletoa ard t'bir three childro - Iflike, Janice, aod JuEy. Since Hay Lst tJrey have reslded at 1O5 Ore&eof, DrivE. Balated ooagradulatlsas to !99 anil Vlolet Satee oa-thelr 2oth reddtae aatversary oa .tirif 29t&. 'tratch *o ie takirg over for Urs. flson. for tJre date of the xr"sling to elect ner offi.cers. perR0il!ffi BtIa &$utnTrstns tm Olgon 1g very pleased, rith hig Scholor"ehip fron the Bradley UnlveraiQr. Gongzadulations lfon! Attention feeoa6ers ! tlhie year tbe*a ril1 be a aer. advisor, tfit. Nad"e Csata, BREAKFAST DINNER.S FlCft*E S,{ADE PIES HOT CAKES PLATE LUNCHES DONUTS OPEN TASTY SANDWICHES 5 A.Iii. - t0 P.ffi. TFIE HIGHLANDER GR,II-t Route 12 JUstice 7-7314 - 4.4 Mites North of Voto Jusl'North of 59 on l2