t1 sEM r -lroi.tTHLY P|CTOR I lt igtioa. Colrgretrrlationg I Jerrtrr, a.rrd we elI wish ]tou the begt in your new off i ce. UJr lflalqir has been d.riring ne serery , es you see S*. Patrickr g is heving their First Counmion ceremory Sund.ay - the 261b, nhich is before this edltion of the paper ig publlsbed. Uar3r, along Dareon (e11 Brcunies, by the ray) r and Sobbie Kroenirg are takirg part. llhatf g all, as far as I kaow, for sure. Ilill have more data on sene next editlon. God be ritb Xour Children! Come September, there are going to be. quite a fer le3s in the neigbbor'bood, aB man3r are being enrolled. in Kirdergs,rten triridayr the 241h, for rlrich I an sure all notJrers are YerTr gratefirl. Amorg t&ose are Bonnie Kroeningr Butcb ' Horgensoa, Donnie Prazak, Pattie lpsteiat Robbie Yickeakanp, Cirdy Cesey end ny orrrr the l,ord for nour Torton nhen re arrlved Adele Kroeningt s father unde:reut surgery last treek. He ls es rell aB carr be erpected, - for rhich we are happy to hea,r. Our prayers rill be rith hb, Dol. Dorot\y Glorch entertalned a lovely -,group of ladies f,eds. the zbd rith a Stanley Denonstratlon also. Ja,ne Roewer displayed her products to Eelen Brooks, Dorie Johnson, Viclcy Botteri, Lee Glor.cb, hone. . rltJr Jo Anrre Ri:zzo, Kathy Becker, Sandra terge Franklin, Dorothy Hrrnphrey and Claudia G&m, A good tine ras had by a}l. L,adiee donr t forget ttre Wonenr s CIub neeting, Ivlay ]tb, at Jo Rizzors, )25 Eome like to Eee alot nore net memberg. Sorooo - thatts it for today - _!fl Ave. trou1d for ny a,rrrual eye eheclc-up fledrreeday and I hope to Joba itr s another year before f have to go in again. One doesntt realize hol rcnd,erfirL our torrn of llcEen4r is until re have to take a trip to the &icago l-,oop. tre tharrked Andemon Trce Setwice TrE thrscrY - Ptrndng - Rcmovll FlaePlre Wood SPre:rtng PHO}'Eg Ter3r. Sent to Chica6o Phoner: Woodrlock 2598; McHenry 2576 Rours 4 'Box 6l ? Eo RElo llcHExRY. ll.t.lrrols oevrs Gioro YOU GET A RICH, HAND.RUBBED LOOK WITH MOORE'S SATIN IMPERVO ENAMET McHenry Heatittg & For furniture, wood trim or wolls Beoutiful colors motched to Regol Woll Sotin Air Conditioning Route l2-0 o Weors long . . . woshes I EosY to oPPIY well Service Gas and Oil H eating Gutters - Downspouts - Dechs Sales & A*?u*aSqlt 200 E. Elm Srrror $cHENRY, Roul. l20 ILLINOIS