!o SEM I .MONTHLY PICTORIAL-NEWSLETTER YIILAGE 0F fficCULLOil l-.AXl Melirda Scarbrougb, Reporting Mrs. trthite brougbt Jeanrrie and Richie fron Chicago to risit thelr e;.rrrnLr cottage for a fet days. They arrived on the even5,ng of rYednesday the 5tfr by bus ,rnd sere picked up by Mrs. Stuhlfeier and delivered at their cottage. Then on Swrday, the loth, they rere driven home by Jobn, the oldest son. There ras & near tragedy averted thnnks to llsa Toeme , rho saved a Ii ttle about We were very sorry to here that } r. Lerueert beca.me ill and. had to be talcen NEXT CIIIJ,OII-KNOLL ASSO C1AT1OII f,ET,T1}E THUTSDAI, JIIITE 4 AT 8 P.I. girl fron tro drowrring in lr{c0u}lom Lake 'l'tr Pur' ()ur Rt,rIr(r'rr Itt Ihose lh<il nuult the .\ttprtrnt Surrifitt that weelcs &go. *7'{ Dtttv livt Pi'd{-t' irt hope he to the Mciienrnr much better" Happy BirtMay to CinCy Tomasello rho w111 turn f4 on June Ist. Belateo ryishes to: Marlene Tomasello wbo was SWEF,T SI;(TUU,I on lronday, hray will returr:, home soon feeling Hospital last week" We LITTLE CHEF ffi$ RESTAURANT I38 Riverside Drive McHENRY May Ilth1 to Mr. Dominic Tomasello (eome time in }liay) ; ene to Mr. Ed Stacknic IJth. A group of ladies enjoyed a luncheon firesday at the Hiehiander Gr111, operated by Ruth and Bob Smith of Mc0trll.om Lake. i,'rank Foledne, Roy 'Zody, and Lois Parenti tranoported the ladies to a.nd f rom as the ]ril} ie Located near Fox l,ake. A.nong the group wqr: Betty Foledna, Elsie }Ielson, Abby tseery, Mar1r Ka.ntorski, Alice Sustafson, Betty Murray, Marie Hore, l,Vilma Zody, Lois Parenti, Laura Slater, ar.nd Louise Hammerstein. Ladies of the Lake Bake arrd Rr:nna6e SaIe to be held at the beach house Sat. June 5th. The oeach house wiII be open Thursday afternoon and evening to brine ?Oe araald Une b Tfann Qu(*"... Making Our First Year in Business a Success articles to be sold at nmage sale for Fick up, call Betty Poledna & MqrT Kantorski , or l,oui se Hnmmerstein. The Toemers enjoyed the compangr of Mrg. Toem.er g motber-1n-Iar, Mrs. Frrth IaPorte 8nd 10 year c1d nephew, WaIIy Stagner, this past reek end. ITETORI]IT DAT SERrICES ,OE'S BABBER SHOP 306 E. ELM STREET Xaf )L, at II:JO A.l[. (Next Door to Krause News Agency) JOE STANEK, Prop.