r* SEM I.MONTHLY PICTORIAL.NEWsLETTIR soon Katkqr. Crand.rra in the iimelight the 9th of April when Darrid Darson, Tonmy Bocman, John 6 Joe lieyer, Debbie Leone & his cousin Denrreth 'rTaldo of FelL Lake helped him bel{in his 4th year. hany hapl.y returzrs of the dayl Scot. Bradford Gzfte ras also a first communi,:ant. Those present at his hone to joln in the festivitiee were L1r. 6 Mrs. Clifi Guate 6 son, Crandma t, Qrar,cipa, hr. & L1rg. Joe Leone, Mr. & lv.rs. ceor:e I.eone 6 fanrily, and l'ir. d Mrs. Robert Ieone. A great day for e nice ] ittl e ?ras 1as Beloh1alry party in their home in FelI l,ake alon'; rith Douglasrs Awtt Carol & cousirrs Susan 6 Linda. Scot Eel oltlary & Crandpa 'Ya1do held the Doug- JEMI#OXTHLY X E W S L E TT E R; NEYYS FROxt tcHrnry Cannty Torrrrhip Nrrt, City of HcHonry, Leka' hnd Prr*, YYrtl Shon Borch, Villlgt of McCullom Lekr, Pirtekr Highbndr, Hunltrville Prrk, Villegn of LeLcJrnrcr,r rnd Vllhgro of Sunnyri&- Publirhcd tho lrt nnd lsrh of orch monrh by ARTHUR J. STUHLFEIER. CoPy, io bo in by thololh rnd 25rh 9f rhc monlh. Addrcrr P, O. Box 67, McHonry, lllinoir. Phonc McHcnry 716. . COTTPILED AND OWNED BY ARTHUR J. STUHLFEIER wlth LIQU|O HA|R eotufion Actually adds strength during wavingoutlasts atl ordinary wavesl stYtins" ' f rom r* including shaping and custom Your new Springtimc frermontnt rrEDc Congretu-Lationg, Bradt (more to follor on nert p&ge) TTORE $8.5o ancr up HIGH WATSR PI C:TURTs AT TEE DAT l ). Open Evenings Except Saturdays PHONE McHENRY 890 ALICE MARIE BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waves Tinting - NYDEN - Styling FRANCES 202 N. Riyerside Drive McHenry, lllinoir FREE ESTIMATES . Phones llcEanry 25lrn, PHONE McHENRy 3367 McHENRY ,4 WNINGS GU7-T'ERS arrd DOWNSPOUTS SVEN ENARSON RoLrE4-Bor385 MCHE?{RY IT-u, FII]ER (;I-ASS