f( SEMI-IViO}{THLY P|CTOR I.^.L N EVT/SLETTER their first annual luncheoa at the lr,icHenrXr Courrtry Club on Ilhursday, ltay 2lst. Ilhe senior semator from lllinois, Paul }ouglas spoke to tJrc uotnM. lte iqror'ba^nce of clean streaes ras tJrorougpy er-plained by the silator. Judge He1en Kelleher of the Prcbate court in Chicagp spoke to tJrose present. :Jer topic ras nllhe uomen in Polatics.rr The flomens Democratic CIub is iust one year old and has erracreased itr s neurbership frrrs 12 chader members to its present lOO s^s of nor. Mc0ullom Lake tas represented at the luncheon by l[rs. {heodor O1sen, }ilrs. lrene Sales and Urs. flteresa Schultz held. SIIE DEI-i,OCRAIIC HO}BTIS CL'UB OF HCNENRT All General Office Supplies TYPEWRITERS LEADING BRANDS AND ADDING MACHINES RE NTE D KRAUSE NEWS AGENCY 308 E. Elm Street Phone 878J llova A lcol Troat county chaimmen. Home-IUJade SouP Aq' ?irr t .atkl, Hlrbo4err rrJ Olhr Smclr. ?1.: llellel,q 26Cl fr Odrc To Trto Orr. lo P.M. A The nert evmt of the uP and. cmixg Club ril} be the 2"d Arnua1 tea in Jtme. MUNTT DEPIITT ffiERITFTS A,SMGTASI MAI UEEIINC TEINESDAI, NAI 2?, Lg59 st UCflT]XgRY Lc 1r9 o* [. Elvlraidr Opcn lO A.M. to I P. l[. at T'AKE IN lEE EITIS mIUmIIff ROA.D B[IILDING L?Jz CRISIAI., I"AKE IN TIJE EII,LSi the purpose of this meeti-g is to accept applications for tJre Ibputy Sheriff I s 8e8r\r6so EBch deputy rishing to become part of this rreserre ril} be erpected to advise the Sheriff as to rhat dateg and hours he riI} be available for duty" fhls informatioa-ni.]L be collected olr tJae aight - I,AKE Ctccd Mmdryr l.0ll6['s $tfl $10? fuIcHer,,ry Stote of this meeting. blaclctop to the last street ( grystsl take Road,) of Lake ia tJre Eil1s, turz nor*h. to the CqpunitY BrildinSo firtsrtni'rmernt qrd snorgasborril. after the meeti rgREFUBLICi}{ CGL.F DiY ,\T IECEEE{RY CDUIiTP.Y CLUB DIRECEIOI{S: hom C$rstal Lake Route L4 and UcHnrxr Avmre (Stop and Go liebt at National .S-ee Stone) turu soutJr to Cmunity Butldffhg. Fnom Alspnquin at Boutes 1L prnd, 52t go rest on tJre Algonquin-Enntley Banlt Mc HENRY, ILLINOIS COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE STNCE 19(,6 County Celrtral ,REPUBLI CA"r\ Comittee Coairuan Announced. today that iSovernor Stntton and atber -=di$itaxies rlll oe ori State and National band on June l0t&, at the Firs'r, Atrnle} l*icHenqlr Cognty Repriurica.n Centrar Oomittee Golf--c-un arl<r Eluld iaising deXr at the ( ContirtreA on back PaeB) 'ICHUCK'I iLLLL$R, HcEenrtrr Oeeosrc lnsured By F. D. l.C.