r3 P r cToR I AL- N E\A/SLETTER. HOME OF THE TRTPLE.DEGI(ER HATIBURGER TAFEL'S Motel ond Drive-ln -Diner Highway 31 and Gar.v- Road Algonquin, Illinois Btrsh wbo celebrated arrrinersarJr on blay 291h. l[hey ca$e from their Z?rrd' wedding to comet &s she-was attenai4g college at Bloon:ington, 111' fhe school dff m out Sunday for vacation, and. Mr. and $rs. hrsh planned to take ber home $undaY, trilaY llst ' to. hear that EVelya , riTe are velXr lorry Nichols is in the liospital ' She was driven to the HcHeruT bospital on Friday daugbter was urlable &icaep rith their son, Ed, to ri3it Mrs ' Ruehs s not'her, and to celebrate their auaiversarJr on Safirrday, Iday ,Otb' [']reir ceived. some lovely gifts srnong them the most beautiful silver tea serrrice t have ever soerro 2J years ao when Joe and' Kitty were married in Saint Alphonsus Church 1n Chicago they neglected to pick up their narria6e certificate. Joers sister rectified this over sight and picl' ed up a love1y certificate for the Baurs and. presented. it to thern. Come to thinx of it I donr t bave a certificate of narria6e either. Mr anrriversary is in Febmarli if anJr one is interested. nonring, &Iay z?;rrd'. A}} of her frieerds wish her a verY sPeedY recorery' WEST SIIORE BEilGH Peter ill" Iusten & Sotl Funeral Hoete BETTY FIEDERIGK rnd JOAN KRONCKE, Roportins tclhory 3al9 Hellot I Here is June I thought it would, never get here. June - tJre utcnth of graduates. Our subdlvision boasts & few, fia3me Latimer, Larry Johnson and loveIy young Bredget Sack. Congratulations and. all the good }uck in the world. At the last neeting of tbe lrYomens Ausiliar5r we had our anrrual elections. Idrs. Maudia Bearrdry ras re-elected. as President I'he others rere Yice Pr.gsid.ent }iary Barkley, Secretary, Joan Kroncke, and Treasue , Virginia Posthuna, who dld such a splenilid PH0l'lE }IcHENRY 63 AR,OUND THE CLOCX OXYGEN EOUIPPED Ambulance Seruice job last and Joe Baur had opeB house on IIay 21rd and 24th to celebrate their silver we<iding annivers&rfo Family and friend.s were coming anci g:oir.g rrishing Joe and kitty ttre very- best. Kitty and Joe re- Kitty 1reatro {00 }v. Elm Strrt itcHonry, lllinoir