t5'. SEM I -MONTHLY PICTOR I AL. NEWSLETTER Let tht rorrls of ry mouth and. the medltations oi ny heart be always aeceptable in t\y sight' o lord' nJr strergth and nJr redeemer" God B1ess You ffi otlrllil 0r 0m r0RI 6 OUR all YILTAGE OF SU]I]IYSIDE lRlfA GUIIITHER, Rcporting BIST TDUHIISIIIS i onfy wish all of yor people were at our Hawain Luau oa May Zrlfl. We had sone new faces s.rllong the regular ones who come and. they said. they were very happy that they had come. Tbe food wa*g delicious, the entertainnent was super and some of the l.gland. dress w&s very authentic- We d.ecieed to have nothing for June but will have a oig Bar-B-fire in July and" 1 will Let you know later what the d'ate w3itr be' ,1-H Cardinals are srare goillg to be Our-nusy bees the next few months" If some Newest Type Cameras Photo Supplies Fresh Supply of Film an;r of you paxents of 4-H girls havetnt 't;uz:ted 1n your enrollment cards yet Please d,tl so because the des.dline was Jutle lst anel there usually some whe forget the d.ate* On .hu:e 14th the girls wili hold" & potluck d.irrrier ixr the evening at 5 P '&:o at I+.*Her"r, $tate Fark. Wili- all parents baek *S,. yeur **ildrem. because thi * i.* * faliiiy afl.Jelr- ?kre ***ing wil;. *tar* a,'i ? p. 3,{* i,-+i*ai.l::* th*tt 3ae;ur w:"i.1 e*al:-1, r*,1 t*s.n:*jr-; i:#"ri{}{:*ei # g.,ere::** ter .4..i;*e*-::i*,'$}:.*;.,y- i.r*i;? "S {.)..::i1* us:ti".i *i:*3 *}e :.:e 'c}i*r*ir *-iid}r#, : ;' ,,i.* .*ii *fl ;;'*;,; *l**l:*::'*q -,f^ -Li;em* ,#.:ris '.t " -,..i GEO. W. KOTALilK CAMERA CENTER t17 N. Rivcrridc Drive Phonc McHcnry 2Vs :;.: ,::Xt i:ej.1r ilii' :}.i ,,.!=.;trJ" JfltlU Ax'* ;-,i-ir{:k 'b**.g::,** i..:;.*** .ilxie Stule;;.' p.:.ii ;:e*a *1""1 af ,ir+ iie.,,; *i8 {:,aJ: esFeeiai}5 wi*;i: t'gt* things 't.li*"-t tie';e a* b* #.+cie t"':r ihie *;'rir1,:41 ')O"r,t-nt;' J'31 .t"' I .-": ;it;g.ixt, " , 'i{e:.i :,i:**iDt,ti: i'*t:;g*r ts t-i.n*J-* i- *;*he roed t+ r'*+svery, tht; se to*si is si:e nad r+noveG sure made a si*k gal eut of her, she said thai she w&s g18d it ras after effects. E&rvey tr{urray is still corrt-ired et $ielier'-:y Hospitei. Our lionre Btreau Sun:nyside Unit snd. the Uilit from Ringrood had a verTr successful bsd her and not her son Johnr;r who l:ad. sueh FREE E=.MATES Fhorror If*H-flT, McHtNRY FTBER (;LdS.S AWNINGS GL'TTL:R S and. DOWNSI?:UTS R?urEA-Bor385 SVEN ENARSO,qcHE l.FY ILL bake sale on Ifay 21rd we should have close to $60.0C to turra in. lTe sure thank everyone for co-operating both in the baking and in the buying you all helped. a good C&tlS.