SEfiTI-MOHTHLY PICTORIA[.NI}lISTITTIR JINE ,' L9r9 l0 Cents Per Copy - VOIJ. 1, NO. 1g FAIR AND IfiTPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COMAAUNITIES sewing Yillogo of Mccullom Loke, Lckelond Pork, west shore Beoch, Pistokee Highlonds, HunterviJle, McHenry, Villoge of Lokemoor ond Villoge of Sunnyside ,,{ l ":. "" I PI CTURE OF F.LI},i A]iD GRffiST TAKIXI ,2 YEARS AGO -- (OniGINAt, PHOTO mURTESY OF cmRGE R. JUS[]f,tI, RtrRoDUCTION Br rotArIK sruD10. ) !. E w s t E T T E R; HEYYS FROm ttcHrnry Cannty Torrrhip Nlrt, Ciry of m'H'lry, Lrko' trnd Prrt, Wo,tl Shom B-ch, Vilftg. of [lcCullorn Lekr' pirtrkoo i{ighhndr, Huntrryitle Prrk, Villeg. ol Lrlcmroor rnd vtlhg. ol sunnytidr. Publirhcd tho lrt rnd !5rh of rrch month by ARTHUR J. STUHLFEIER' CoPv, io br in by rholfih rnd 25rh 9f thc monlh. Addrcrr P, o. Bor 67, lAcHcnrl, lttinoir. Phorrc i{cHcnry 716' iEml#ot{ilt-v . co}qPILEDANDowNEDBYARTHURJ.STUHLFEtER the lTomans Club to further their manJr charitable . Mrs. Varese has had. much experience ln 'the theatrical field. She does dramar musical comed;r and. daricing eoually we1l. Her versa,tility is practrcally unlimited. She has her orn radio shovT in Eoll3mood, was featured w.itb the Marcus Show ari. Ann Yarese, well }rromo dra,ne'tist and' musisal conedy artist riIl present her inpressions of a well-known musical conedy, hit of the Broad.way stage mitten by Pulitzer Preze winner Eugeae OrNeilI' ABrr is being sponsored by the McHenqy Commu.nity School on June llth at 8:I) P'!d. Froceeds from this shorv will be used by- A I..iIUSI CAI, OOMEDY was about to become associated. rith Ken Murrayr s "Blackoutg" rhen she decided. mamiage was an even greater c&reer. Eoreverr 8s it has happened she is stil l active in tbe d.ramatic field and has taugbt d.rasia in MeHenqr. Do cone to gge her. Shop in MciIen4rr Tiekets are avail*Ie at tbe ti:e docr. or Green Streetr or at Agatha.