t? SEM I -MONTHLY P ICTORIAL-NEWSLETTER rIUP'UELICANS HAV}i FIJI T !t!! 0n Ylednesday, June 10, Govexror was tJre Honoreci guest at the i.ieHenrlr County Repuciiea-- Committee r s Piay Day at widch over )rt active irriciieri4l' County rl,e1.uot-ir-:&t-s and their guests Pa:ticipated. Arthr:r Giovanni, General Chairniarr of the Cuting was congratul-ated on a very suceessful dayr which consisted of go1f, for those who preferred playing golf , or boar.i:ri.: on the Fox Riv, r in boats provided for the occai:Lon. Strftton Governor Stratton renewe d old acquaintances and was intenri ewed. on the ::acilo broadcast originatire' at the liciienry Country Club. He stated tiiat ire was going to be in RUSSIA in the next two weeks, but 'tliat he looked. f orvrara to bringing bacr a report of his visit th.ere to the people of tne Jtate of ltlinois. Other members af ihe #.u.P. Cei.tral Coumrlttee responsibie f or Lbe very weII orgarrized Outin{ were Charies iiiii}er, G .O .ii . Centrat i'..epubi ican Coruirittee Chairnan and *'esie$ i'riola, publicity citai-rman or the i.O ".F. Cen-bra1 ljolrr,iiit tee. Because oi tiie ili&rgr r'avor&cie cofii,:rrlts anri the obvj-ous si.(ccess or' the Outingt rt is eipected that it w:"Il become an arrnual event. Schoo1 ::L) .i,..I.'. '|i'/iiAT ;1.:::; rj.j :]. lc'j. ;.i.'J "ici,?'r j';l, ON 'ilTl ; :"L)l;;. Jtni-'j 2lst 'ie welcome v:)rlrorle tc o'JJ Ecrstiti' sr:rvices renierbering that irr a-,.1 tilies-, =t{L seee'ons Be qri tr: i,ive ti:a;ix;s &.i--.) :,1=aise t.c .oQ, fcr a-t1 tl-at ile ,l:-.tl jy i i,ji i'( r us. 'l'his i; lone ourst ilr Erou!' l',tr-ii. !'r fcr tiie :;,i,te S&),'::', tt\,rttere twO Oi. ih:-:e :t.i.t) s:at,hrrfed. to;:etlte.f in lriy ".a,-,'...j, 1'nere ::n I in ttre mj-'jst of them'r. ',trith tire cornirr,-.., oi' wa.rmer rveatil':r'; the 8 sr-,.i servi ee i s i:ei n. weil rece i veri , ."ut what ever ycu 5.J.ari oonrt iea--'e lo'j cut of $orrt' week-eni arrc ycur iit-e. Sirricray jiATlViTY 'll!:.:,iLI I'lAi, IUT:-:.;1J.1. ql;ii iCH 'fl()' fji.t LAI.S, 1; i,Il,Oi.i iYorship Serwiees 63u0 and- luz45 ;i.i . \iACATlOl; ffil:r'lcfr SCHCTOL 'rPAiJX TS i lrlHT" lh': llacation Chu:'c:h fPf L'AY, Jr-IliEj 26 Schc,ol will har,'e 1ts ciosilg promarn ;rrid ay evening, Jr:ne '26 starti rx; wr th tf open liou.se t' at j 3 r ,O. A I i har.o wcri< a::d spr:cia.i projects wi-.i be' Cr.:r.-i-31' 1i rrui Subscribc Nov parents ano friet:cs are encolu'a.gci t,o ,.o tnrorgh aii the nepa.rtn'rents an. s?e the wor.., tilat h:"s oeerL dcrrie by tire cL : ldrer. l'l1e :Yeninp f s prog:ram wi i 1 ce: -i rr at -t z )O vl. tir a s:'.r:rt i;r'e:.e.ritaiioti i'y ea.c,|, i e5;a.rtnrelrt r i{l.ving cL' eYan..'e}i sm arril attend-ar.ce awarCs. Ail are ;veiconte trt a uter..:i. George R. Iusten & Son FUNE Ambulonce Two-Way Radio Dispatched Equipmenf RAL HOME St. 106 W. Elm McHENRY, lLL. Phone McHenry 2400