I sEri!-itgryr;+y Plclan!4L-N6r,5uE-TTER flor of capital in the fom ofindiy:idusl savings into laod and. hones and, an efpansioq 9f lhe .urtig+t s bas{c rgplth. MN TE BISTQTffiT TilD SIIYIOI 2. Ihe eg*llability of a continuinb and ever-grgfiry,supply of hone nortgase fund.s GEORGE R. JUSTEN I SON tcHENlY, ILL te neet-.tJre RcedE of an incre?rsing polulaFurnilurr - CrrprB -- Linol,rumt + incregsed. I today. of tJre begt rays to measr:re tJre contributions of tlne F.S.L.I. C.;,' ".UIrr Nerrlrsrtb said., "Is to take a bdore and af,ter look at our business and thrift and. hone financingr "At the end of L954. the year the Corporetion ya{, established, tJrc agsets of tJrc Ea\rings and. loan businegs erounted to o&Iy $5.4 billion, rh:Lle reselnres set asld.e for logg or contirgeacy a,uonnted to only *525 nillion. Tod.ayr on tJre Corporation! s 25tu- birthday, total assets exceed. $55 billion, nhile reserys exceed. $,.8 billiono I'At the sanne tine, horne ornership has erpa,nded, from rorrghly 45 per cent of ' the populatioa ia L914 to over 50 per cent tf ment. rr0ne accorrlingly a strorger a.rnd more rrigorous thrift and. hone financing Bor-, aad, 1. lllhe ad.option of uniforra, slr[plified and better operating practioes and procedures anong savings assoeiations, thus for e rnore efficient and snoottrer operetion, brlyer. tron. Saui.ngs aocount insurancc has enabled ingured. sawirgs aseociatiofis to naEe Iong-term loane oa h@esr at nore. liberh,l tems nnd, at lorer i-nterest rateE, to tJre advantage of tod,ay?s cost consciouE home Fumrrl Dirocton Clrygctt Equippod Ambuhncr Scrvicr Wrhing llrchiner - Frigidrirer Phorr *tcHrnry ?lm Newest Type C-ameras Photo Supplies Fresh Supply of Film : GEO. W. KOTALIK CAATERA CENTER t17 N. Rivcrridc Drivc Phonc l/lrHcnry 275 E.rAlicEl,r car. tIrlHBRAr[ cEttRca LAI(E, rrLrNOrS Rev. .Burton Schroed.er, Pastor lTorship Seryices - 8:OO and ]0:45 A.Mo Srrnday School - 9zL5 ,{.}{. TTUTPMTOWCE $NDAT ITO BE OBSER1IED JIT&Y llhe cloEe relationship betreen tJre i ' d.cnce of our netion qnd. t&c religious f don tJrat we nioy rriIl be enphegiaed. in sernorx entitled, rtFreedon for All'r to be given on fndependooe Sundayr July 5. All arcr relcons to orrr sericee, aE it seemE fittq 'rg thgt on tJrl.s day wc tJmnk God for our greet natioa and. tJre qual.itiea thst nade it gncat. LIITBtrR LEA0UE [0 UEEE SIIfrDAY EVEmNe, JIILI 5th. A[ ? 2fr,woNDER ' fmrvr'rt F REE Esrr MAr= *Yr'.Im" =' *m, M cll f NRY FIBER (;L/SS AWNINGS GUTTERS oTd {,OWNST,IOUTS SVEN ENARSON Rours rl - Bor 3gE IticHExnv ILL-