J6 SEMI-IvTONTHLY PTCTOR tALWSLETTER WEST SIIORE BEAGII , BETTY FREDERICI .!d JOAN KRONCKE, Roporting As you knor llhe ldc0\rllon Lke Sportenen Club hsve been rorAirg for the past tro Jea;rs to inprove our lake. t|hey have Bllc.ceed,ed. la raisilg $2500 toward. thls proJect but are Etill ia.need of $1000 uhich'utrst be raised. by Aueust of thig year and the. only ray to raise tlris anount ls to ask for d.onstions fron eyerTr pmperty owaer arorrnd vlLLIs saLl:s & sEnvtct: Jeeps, Stotion Wogons Trucks Illinois. flhis is yrcur lake and a,ny a,mor.rnt you can spare rill help a good. deal. Girls rill be aror.ut Sunday, July 5th and. wil] be 918.d to answer enJr questions they catrro the lalce. lhis frole project is being supernised. by The Consetratioa Dept. of the State of llick P. fliller, Ue $snics Owner lll tales of Uehiclos Ptpne 4O3 Io[mU, & family. E'v'erytbirts has been pretty quiet arornrd. here the last few reelcs so Just rwaber tbe T{estshore Summer FestivaL on July Iltb. I\:n for the rhole See yan then Subscribe Nw Ptrn0ilff God. 31ess you - 0lJR A0utRllsm$ GiYe your DRAPET cuRTArts IICATERTI{GIlI Eer.B.Que Glf,rilrcn and & SLlP C0YERS rhor tI's ffbs SfaaleStQ * $sE '-"--q-" rurr ruR Cleon-os-lfEW l00t wi!ft our beiler Dhbetic Foods Baked LasagnN-- Ghop Suey Home Baked ples and Gatres nrn, H.rd to C.0. Gcdc Fod Furnirhtd fior Prrlbl Lrrg: cr 3mrll - B. Tetcphom 7!ta rnd Don,t Dirppoiniod - -@ Sonilone DRY ClE[f,IilG PA]IIRY DEUGAGIES l3l Riurridt Drivr ilGHENRYS ONLY DELTCATESSEI{ 9 r.m. io 9 p.ru PEOIIE V, fG pt&-q Scrio c SAYE tr:h Cerh II CrE, .r , O.Vt r tcllraly Woot RAI]IBOW CtEAl{ERS lL Frortf Srrcr0 (Aroud Gomer North of Netionet Teat OPET{'FHDAT EYETTXGS TO , F..T. tcHr6ry, ll!. I